Thursday, July 15, 2021

Day 1,087 - Let's Get Wet

Some days it's hard to find a theme for a day. Other days, it just falls onto one's head like a raindrop from the sky. In other words, today is a day that's all about getting wet.

I knew very early on that Ellie, Ethan, and I were destined to get wet at swim lessons today. We wouldn't only be getting wet due to the obvious factor of a swimming pool but also due to the rain storms forecasted for today. While swim lessons in the rain didn't really sound like much fun, the fact that today is the kids' last swim lesson meant that we weren't going to miss it for anything. While Ellie and I were fine with waiting until swim lessons in the rain to get wet, it just so happened that Ethan couldn't wait that long.

It happened innocently enough. I was in our master bathroom getting ready for the day when I suddenly heard someone turn on the bathtub in the other bathroom. Then, who should appear at the door but Ellie to relay the message of "Ethan's in the bathtub!" With that, I quickly finished up what I was doing and ran out of our bedroom only to find a drenched Ethan standing in the hallway waiting for me. It just so happened that Ellie neglected to mention one little thing about Ethan being in the bath: he was still in his pajamas! Lucky for him though, it was time to get ready for swim lessons. That meant "Goodbye, wet pajamas" and "Hello, dry swimsuit".

While I knew the weather was going to be a little rough for swim lessons today, I didn't anticipate just how quickly it would change. While we were all getting on our swimsuits to leave the house, I would have referred to the rain as 'sprinkling' or 'drizzling'. By the time I opened the garage door, it was completely pouring!

Upon our arrival at Gorman Pool, we found ourselves with about ten minutes to kill before we could realistically go poolside for lessons. While the gates were open, it seemed a little foolish to spend that amount of time getting rained on when it wasn't absolutely necessary. When it was time to head in, I was happy to see that the rain didn't dampen the kids' spirits at all. Instead, they became even more stoked to get in the water.

For Ellie, lessons involved nothing out of the ordinary for her final day. Ethan only had the slight difference of being the only kid in his class. The big change was due to the steady rain pouring down all through the lesson. Also, another change was that the lesson was cut short. It wasn't due to Ethan getting cold and wanting to wrap up in a towel though. Instead, it was due to a burst of ominous-sounding thunder which prompted the lifeguards to order us out of the pool.

In case you're wondering, Ethan passed his "mommy and me" swim class with flying colors. Unfortunately, he did not pass the "Seahorse" level class he was taking at the same time (which I had no idea he was taking). For her part, Ellie did pretty well in her "Starfish" class but not well enough to pass. She just needs more extension with her arms while swimming to pass though.

Oh yes, there was one more aspect of getting wet today that I almost forgot to mention. Did you know that if you forget to put a child in a swim diaper and instead leave them in a regular diaper, that regular diaper gets insanely large and heavy? Ethan knows and can attest after this morning. Good work me! #DaddyWrite

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