Thursday, July 1, 2021

Day 1,078 - Rain, Fevers, and the Floor of the Red Robin

Sometimes I wonder if the actions of past Jesse have a direct impact on the actions of current Jesse. Let's face it, sometimes past Jesse is a total moron when it comes to his decision making. Actually in this instance, current Jesse isn't the one suffering due to the actions of past Jesse. Instead, it's current Ethan who may or may not be suffering due to the actions of past Jesse.

Allow me to flashback to yesterday. Once naptime and quiet time ended and the kids emerged from their respective rooms, it was only a matter of time before Ellie started campaigning to go outside and ride her bike. Over the past couple of weeks, Ellie has become quite the adept bike rider. While she initially bristled at the ideas of us removing her training wheels, she has ultimately adjusted like a true champ. It's not an uncommon sight for our neighbors to see Ellie flying down the sidewalks with a big smile stretched across her face. Since it yet raining, we headed outside for the kids to get some time on two wheels.

Unfortunately for Ellie and Ethan, their time on two wheels was rather short as the rains moved in. While the initial sprinkles were nothing to be concerned about, the harder drops were enough for me to pull the bikes into the garage. That may sound harsh or extreme but I didn't want anyone to fall and get hurt on slick pavement. While our bike riding had come to an end, that didn't mean our outdoor fun had to stop. After all, what's more fun to a kid than playing in the rain?


It turns out that there is one thing my kids like more than playing in the rain and that's taking a walk in the rain. So, I grabbed my umbrella (since I'm lame and didn't feel like getting wet) and off we trekked. 

Honestly, I loved watching Ellie and Ethan take a walk in the rain. It was a ton of fun to see them both spreading their arms out wide and looking up towards the sky as the rain dumped on their faces. Their smiles at getting soaked to the bone couldn't be discounted either. The fact that they were so wet didn't bother them at all. After about 30 minutes of being outside, I decided it was time to head for home. After all, it was a little chilly and I didn't want anyone to get sick.

Oh, how foolish I was. Low and behold, as we were out at dinner with my parents that night, Ethan curled up on Bethany's lap, buried himself into her chest, and proceeded to try and go to sleep. When that didn't work, he even tried to lay down on the floor of Red Robin to gain some relief from the fever that had suddenly hit him. Lucky for us, we had two cars at the restaurant so Bethany eventually left early to go home and put Ethan to bed while I remained behind.

This morning, Ethan was still running his fever but it has definitely decreased in intensity as the day has gone on. While I'm happy he's feeling better, I can't help but wonder if I was partly to blame. That being said, I feel like the kids getting to play outside in the rain was probably worth a day with a fever if that even was the cause. Bethany had her doubts about that being the case and well, she's probably right. Right? #DaddyWrite


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