Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Day 833 - The Curious Case of Doritos Flamas

Everyone has some kind of guilty pleasure snack that they are unable to turn down, regardless of the circumstances. For me, it's either a slushee or a big bowl of Frosted Flakes cereal. Both are big favorites of mine. Better yet, I know that both are safe. For the most part, I know what to expect when I take a sip of that fantastic, cold slushee or when I consume a tasty bit of those sugar-coated corn flakes. I can rest assured that I'm not going to be led astray by my cravings. 

For Ellie, she's always been able to feel the same way when it comes to her desired snack: chips. Chips are hardly what could be referred to as a dangerous snack. It's true that too many of them aren't good for your waistline, heart, or any other plethora of things. However, a person generally knows exactly what they are going to get when they bite into one. At least, that's what Ellie thought until today and her first bite of Doritos Flamas.

For the record, Bethany and I would never knowingly provide our child with something called Doritos Flamas. Just looking at the bag told us basically everything we needed to know about the product. However, the combination of fire, chili peppers, and limes on the front of the bag didn't dissuade Ellie in the least. She was not going to let anything stand in the way of her enjoying every last part of her free school lunch.

As Bethany and I had somewhat of an idea what the end result of Ellie eating Doritos Flamas would be, we decided to enforce the rule that she absolutely had to eat all of the other parts of her lunch before partaking of her chips. Lucky for us, Ellie did just that. I guess the call of chips was worth eating the rest of her lunch without complaint.

Finally, the time had come for Ellie to partake. Bethany cautiously opened the bag and took a look inside before thrusting it in my direction to take a peek. The deep red color was our first indication that Ellie was in for quite the experience. Of course, we chose to believe that the local schools wouldn't purposely feed our child something that was not fit for her little taste buds. I still believe that last statement is true, by the way.

Ellie reached inside the bag and grabbed the biggest chip she could find, opened her mouth wide, and took a big bite. Before we knew what had happened, Ellie spat an unchewed bite of chip out of her mouth onto her plate. Then, she started furiously trying to rub the taste off of her tongue in between screams. Finally, she calmed down enough to inform us the chips were much too hot and she didn't want to eat another bite ever.

Humorously enough, as I proceeded to finish off the bag, it didn't take long for Ellie's desire for chips to overcome her common sense. She finally asked for another chip only to experience the same result all over again. On a positive note, that would be the last time she would attempt eating Doritos Flamas...for this day at least. #DaddyWrite

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