Thursday, May 14, 2020

Day 819 - So. Very. Wet.

When a person is young, it's surprising how the simplest things can seem extremely difficult.

A good example would be Ellie's recent growth at coloring. In the past, whenever someone would set a picture in front of her to color, Ellie's reaction would be to scribble away with nary a thought of making things look nice. The older she's gotten though, the more pride she takes in her art. Nowadays, Ellie's pictures really are special. She always stays within the lines and even will change colors to suit the picture.

An Ellie original

Even though Ellie's coloring is a good example of the topic at hand, it's not the first one that comes to mind. The first one actually revolves around Ethan and one of the world's simplest tasks: getting a drink of water.

Most of the time, Ethan can drink water like a champ. It doesn't matter if it's from his special cup or a water bottle. He's even been known to drink a tiny amount of water from a normal cup with no problems. However, there are certain receptacles that a one-year-old should never try to drink from. Namely, their mommy's work cup.  However, since that cup remains in our bedroom/Bethany's home office at all times, there's no reason for that to be a legitimate concern, right? Wrong!

Flashback to Wednesday around the 5:00 hour. Bethany had just gotten off work and we were working together to get supper on the table. I was outside grilling some extremely pitiful hamburgers while Bethany prepared some asparagus and tater tots as a side. I'm serious about the hamburgers being pitiful. While they tasted fine, there was literally no binding them together so it was all I could do to keep them in halfway decent shape as I grilled.


In between flipping the burgers, I wandered inside to see how things were going for Bethany. Very quickly though, I noticed that Ethan was nowhere to be found. If it were Ellie, I wouldn't be concerned but Ethan has a penchant for mischief. Out of curiosity, I asked Bethany where he was. Her humorous response was something along the lines of, "Wait, we have two kids?". It was then that Ethan made his appearance at the top of the stairs. 

The first thing I noticed is that he was proudly clutching Bethany's metal water cup. Not thinking much about it, I proceeded to ask Bethany if her cup was empty or not. When she responded that it did indeed have water left in it, I knew we might be in trouble. As if it was completely intentional, Ethan chose that moment to set the cup down and let us all see the result of his thirst.

Wet, wet, wet.
For starters, a 20 oz water cup is a bit large for a toddler. That's especially true when it's more than half full. In his quest for water, Ethan had soaked his shirt, his pants, and the carpet in the bedroom. In fact, it was so bad that he required a full wardrobe change before dinner. Bethany also had to spend several minutes sopping up water from our bedroom floor with an old towel before returning to the kitchen.

I'd like to say Ethan learned his lesson about drinking from a cup that is too large for him. However, that's just not true. In fact, less than ten minutes later, he had the cup in his possession once again. The lone saving grace being that it was empty on that occasion. 

On second thought, that was probably just a saving grace for Bethany and me. For Ethan, I'm sure he was dismayed to find that his thirst could not be quenched on that occasion. Poor little guy. Life's just so very hard for him sometimes. #DaddyWrite

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