Monday, October 28, 2019

Day 698 - Days Go By (During Playtime)

It's trivia time. 10 points if you can name the song title and artist for the words posted below.

And days go by,
I can feel 'em flyin'
Like a hand out the window in the wind.
The cars go by,

Do you have a guess yet? If one happens to be a fan of country/pop, then they would probably already know that the answer is Keith Urban. 

There is certainly a degree of irony to the fact that I'm quoting Keith Urban lyrics in a #DaddyWrite post. After all, I am the guy who mistakenly wandered onto the stage during a rehearsal for a Keith Urban concert in the old Kemper Arena. True story, I had no idea who the guy was at that time. I just assumed he was an extremely friendly Australian roadie wearing a velour sweatsuit.

Regardless of my utter lack of awareness when it comes to Keith Urban, I currently find those lyrics ringing true when I take stock of my life.

I've written about how fast Ellie is maturing and growing into a mature little girl. It's crazy how by this time next year, she'll be at least a couple of months into her career as a preschool student. On the same token though, it's crazy how fast Ethan is growing up before my very eyes. I really found myself thinking about it this afternoon during my one-on-one play time with Ethan while Ellie was napping.

For the record, this one-on-one time with Ethan is one of his (and my) favorite times of the day. As I type out those words, I know I've written them before. However, I still feel that way and it's even more true as I watch how quickly Ethan is changing.

The first step to any playtime session with Ethan is to carry him down to our family room and block the stairs with a body pillow. I know it seems silly but it honestly keeps him from crawling up the stairs over and over again. If there's anything I know, it's that it can get fairly frustrating chasing a mobile infant up the stairs over and over again. Once the stairs are properly blocked, it means that playtime can really begin.

The first thing Ethan normally wants to do is explore his surroundings. Even though, he's in our family room every day, he still has to make sure nothing has changed. After that, he'll generally pull himself up on our couch and begin to walk along it and our footstool, smiling all the while. Next, Ethan will decide it's time to test his balance. With a wide stance, he'll let go of the footstool, proceeding to stand on his own two feet for a few wobbly seconds before crashing down the ground below. Next on Ethan's list is to play with any and all toys he can find in the toy box. In fact, he's not happy until he's pulled each and every toy out of the box. 

The next thing though is what makes me really happy right now and brings me a ton of joy. It just so happens that Ethan is discovering his voice and is enjoying expressing himself. Obviously he doesn't know words yet but he now has quite the array of sounds he uses to convey his emotions. Ethan will even do his part to carry on a conversation during our playtimes together. He'll respond in turn to anything I say to him directly. In fact, more often than not, he'll even make direct eye contact while "talking" to me. It's the coolest thing!

If I'm being completely honest though, it'll be interesting to see if I still find Ethan talking to me as interesting when he actually is speaking in real sentences. It will probably depend on what he's saying though. Hopefully it's friendly and respectful and not mean and angry. We'll just have to see as days go by. #DaddyWrite

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