Monday, October 21, 2019

Day 695 - Photos, Weddings, and Dancing the Night Away

Mondays are always a weird time in House Holt. Actually, take out the word, 'weird', and replace it with the word, 'quiet'. That provides a much more realistic take on what Mondays are like around these parts.

Under normal circumstances, Ellie and Ethan are both pretty tired after staying up late to play with college students at the college life group Bethany and I help co-lead. The two are probably a little more tired than normal today, though. That's with them skipping college life group last night to boot!
If I had to guess why both kids are so tired, I think the culprit would be the epically long weekend they had. Not only was the weekend really full with lots to do but Bethany actually spent four straight days at home with them. To say Ellie was in paradise would be putting it lightly. She got all of the time she could ever want with her mommy during that time. She was read to, snuggled with, and played with to her little heart's content. In fact, before we got to our really busy days of Friday and Saturday, one could say Ellie was already tuckered out from all of her fun with Mommy. That being said, there was still lots of fun to be had on Friday and Saturday night.

The event of the evening for Saturday was a quick, little road trip to St. Joseph for family pictures at Mark Youngdahl Park. Now, I realize it seems slightly random for us to take family pictures in St. Joe. The reasons for doing so were twofold. The first being that Bethany simply liked this photographer's work. The second being that it gave us the opportunity to include my parents so that my mother could fulfill her lifelong goal of having a professional photographer take pictures of our family.

While trying to wrangle a three-year-old and an eight-month-old into taking quality pictures may sound miserable, it was actually super fun. For one, it's always fun to see the kids dressed up. Also, it helps that our photographer was awesome and really understood how to get both Ellie and Ethan to smile. We definitely have a ton of cute pictures to choose from. After we finished up with pictures, we made a quick trip to Freddy's for dinner before hitting the road for home. By the time the kids were in bed, it was already close to 8:00 pm.

Photo credit: BR Collective Artistry

Fast forward to Saturday afternoon and you'll find the four of us sitting in a pew in the back of Holy Family Catholic Church to watch one of Bethany's good friends getting married. Now, obviously, this wasn't a big moment for the kids. In fact, I had to take Ethan out of the sanctuary a couple of times to let him crawl around the lobby. However, the wedding reception was a different story.

As soon as we arrived at the venue of Liberty Community Center, the very first thing Ellie noticed was the playground outside. A playground on which she would spend the first part of the evening playing. Once the sun went down, however, Ellie's choice of activity changed greatly. Dancing became the new form of entertainment.

Now, Ellie and I have danced before at weddings. She was less than a year old but it still counts. This time, there was no denying that Ellie was having a great time. Not only could I not pull her off the floor to take the occasional break, but I couldn't even take a break without her dragging me back onto the dance floor. By the time 8:00 rolled around with Ethan already asleep in Bethany's arms, we knew it was time to head home much to Ellie's chagrin. 

As you can see, two late nights coupled with the normal busy events of Sunday definitely contributed to the "quiet" times permeating through House Holt on this cloudy Monday morning. #DaddyWrite

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