Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Day 577 - Red & Gold and Ellie Too

Have you ever wondered what exactly happens when a person gets lazy and forsakes blogging for a week plus? In short, they have a lot of untold stories that "need" to be told. However, for the interest of time, I should probably whittle said stories down to a more manageable number. Say one for today? 

If you live in Kansas City, or the Midwest, then you probably realize there was a big event that occurred over the weekend that got a lot of folks excited. For the record, I'm not referring to the Turbulent Twenties exhibit at the Johnson County Museum, although it probably got someone, somewhere excited. Instead, I'm referring to the Kansas City Chiefs hosting the AFC Championship game for the very first time. Even though that game ended in a manner I refuse to discuss any further here, there's nothing saying I can't talk about the events of the week leading up to the game.

Proof that I saw the sad thing happen in person...

The day of every game this season (and several seasons prior), we've had a tradition of hanging a Chiefs flag in our front window on every game day. Over that time, it's been really fun to watch how Ellie's reaction to the flag has changed. At first it was just a mere curiosity to her. Now, it's not uncommon for her to request to hang the flag on a Sunday morning before we even mention the Chiefs. In case you're wondering, I think she associates the event with getting ready for church.

Even though hanging the flag is a big deal to Ellie, the games themselves have not been as Ellie would largely ignore the television in favor of entertaining herself with toys or books. At least that was the case until last weekend as the Chiefs played the Indianapolis Colts in an AFC Divisional match-up. On that day, Ellie totally went against her past behavior and instead settled in on the couch between Bethany and I to watch the game. 

Not only did she watch the game but she became an active participant in the game. Any time the good guys would make a big play, Ellie would jump off the couch and parade around in front of the TV, screaming "Yay, Chiefs! Go Chiefs!" while clapping along enthusiastically. Believe it or not, she carried on like that for almost the entire game. The only thing that stopped Ellie from being able to do so was our insistence on putting her to bed at her normal bedtime. On a positive note, she did get to keep watching the game via the iPad while taking a bath.

After the Chiefs closed out a victory over the Colts, it didn't take long for people to start thinking about how to attend the AFC Championship game. Lucky for me, I got the opportunity to do so for free by volunteering as a ticket scanner for about three hours on game day. Of course, with taking our current weather into account, it was very important for me to dress warmly. Therefore, last Thursday, Ellie and I took the opportunity to head to Target so that I could find some thermal underwear. 

Once I finally found my prize, we took the opportunity to wander around the store just as anyone would at Target. Before long, we wandered across the Chiefs fan section of the store with Ellie being certain to point out all of the Chiefs apparel she was seeing. 

At this point, I remembered there was something lacking from Ellie's wardrobe keeping her from being the biggest Chiefs fan she could be. That's right; Ellie needed her very own Chiefs shirt.
With that, I began to peruse the racks in an attempt to find anything that would fit Ellie. Unfortunately for her, the only things that came close were a couple of 4T shirts. For the record, Ellie is normally a 2T, maybe a 3T on certain days. 

However, the more I thought about it, the more perfect it was. With the season rapidly dwindling, it didn't make sense to buy Ellie a shirt that would only fit her for the rest of the season. Instead, it made sense to buy her a shirt that she could wear for all of the next season too.

I knew Ellie was excited for her new purchase. However, I didn't realize just how excited she was. Need proof? Look no further than Ellie happily pulling her new shirt out of the bad and putting it over her head as soon as we got home. I didn't even have time to get the tags off!

There is one bad thing about this whole story though. I find myself wondering if Ellie's new shirt is cursed as the first time she wore it during a game coincided with the Chiefs suffering a heartbreaking loss. Unfortunately I won't be able to test this theory until next season. Don't worry though, I'll make sure we test it in a preseason game instead of one that counts. #DaddyWrite

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