Thursday, January 3, 2019

Day 564 - "The Times They Are A-Changin"

As Bob Dylan once famously wrote, "The Times They AreA-Changin." True story about that song; Dylan didn't even feel strongly about the lyrics he was writing. Instead, he just saw that people seemingly wanted an anthem of change to rally behind so he thought, "Hey, why not?".

For the record, there's not exactly strong winds of societal change going on in the Holt household. However, there are a multitude of new things set to erupt within the next six weeks as "Chewy" will make his entrance at some point. Before that can happen, there are plenty of things that need to take place first.

For starters, it'd be nice if "Chewy" had a real name by the time he is born. Even though Ellie's affectionate nickname for her little brother is precious in its own way, he probably shouldn't go through life with "Chewy" as his legal name. To quote my wife, ""Chewy" is a dog's name. He needs a people name." For the record, he does have a great first name that Bethany and I are definitely excited about. We just still need to figure out the middle name.

That's not all that needs to happen though. With me spending most of the past month laid up, we really haven't been able to get much preparation done for little "Chewy". That changes this weekend though as Bethany will finally be able to satisfy her nesting urges with a little help from our friends (Hey, also a song title!). A small contingent of guys will be descending upon House Holt on Saturday morning to partake in something I like to call 'Operation Move Our Stuff'. 

While Bethany and I are excited to see 'Operation Move Our Stuff' completed, in all honesty, it will not affect us nearly as much as it will Ellie. You see, one of the most important steps in 'Operation Move Our Stuff' involves Ellie bidding adieu to her toddler bed and graduating at long last to a twin bed. The toddler bed is to be converted back into a crib and moved into our guest room where "Chewy" will reside for the first year of his life. In turn, our twin bed will be moved off of its frame and placed in the spot vacated by the crib.

Even though Ellie is seemingly excited for this change, I can't help but think there will be an adjustment period. I mean, I have recollections of my college roommate rolling off of his lofted twin bed in his sleep to the hard floor below when he was used to sleeping in a full. One would think that if an eighteen-year-old struggled with switching beds, a toddler might as well.

I have to admit that I'm slightly intimidated and scared by the prospect of life changing so dramatically in just a few short weeks. It feels like just a short time ago when we were going through a similar set of changes in preparing for Ellie, or as she was known at the time, Slugger. 

However, I can take comfort in knowing that no matter how much things change, the more some things will remain the same. For proof, look no further than bath time with Ellie last night. 

Since she had a great day listening, she got the reward of being able to listen to music during her bath. Now, one would think that Ellie would immediately ask for some kind of children's music. No, instead she had three simple requests: "Ooga-chaka, Lenka, and Our Song". 

For the record, those songs are more commonly known as 'Hooked on a Feeling', 'The Show', and '3 Rounds and a Sound'. 

It feels lame to be saying/typing but it honestly makes tears begin to well up in my eyes knowing that the very songs I've been singing to Ellie for the last two-and-a-half years are still so important to her. When she's scared and can't sleep, those are what she wants me to sing. To tell the truth, I've even wondered if we'll someday be dancing to one of those songs together at her wedding. 

Change and same, change and same. The two things really are forever linked. #DaddyWrite

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