Thursday, September 20, 2018

Day 503 - The One Where Ellie Bosses Mommy Around

Everyone knows the "best" part of having a child is the concept of having someone to boss around. Side note, I don't really believe that but hang with me for the sake of this opening. I promise it will all tie together.

The good thing about Ellie is that she's actually really good at allowing us to boss her around. Despite her wicked independent streak, she really does listen quite well when we ask her to do something. It doesn't matter if it's setting her place at the table, picking up her toys, or staying put in one place when told to.

One part of being a toddler though is having an unwavering belief in equality. By that, I mean that Ellie feels that since we boss her around, that means it's fair game for her to boss us around on occasions. While she really hasn't been brave enough to do so with me, she's more than willing to do so with Bethany.

How Ellie really views Bethany and I.

Ellie's bedtime routine is well-documented by this point in time. However, what's not well-documented is what exactly Bethany does once Ellie hits the hay. The normal answer is to go and grab a shower while I work on resetting the house so that Tornado Ellie can storm through it again the next day. At least that was the normal procedure until this week.

It goes without saying that the past couple of nights have been out of the ordinary. As soon as Bethany places Ellie into her bed and prays with her, Ellie will immediately throw off the covers and hop out of bed. Then, with sternness in her little voice, Ellie will demand Bethany go take a shower. I should note that this demand goes further than your typical toddler demand. Ellie will take Bethany by the hand and actually escort her to our bathroom. You would think that would end it, but there's more.

From this point on, I only know what I hear from the comfort of Ellie's rocking chair in her bedroom. Once they reach the bathroom, Ellie will immediately demand that Bethany undress and hop in the shower. Any hesitation on the part of my wife results in increasingly stern requests from Ellie. If Bethany continues to ignore Ellie's orders, then my daughter will eventually take it upon herself to solve the issue by undressing her mother (against Bethany's audible wishes).

Finally, I'll hear Bethany exclaim with pure exasperation, "Alright, fine. I'm in the shower. Go see Daddy." With that, Ellie will excitedly scamper back to her bedroom into my waiting arms with a big smile on her face. 

It feels like this isn't normal toddler behavior. As far as we can tell, this stems from one night at bedtime when Bethany left Ellie's room. After we had both been working together to put Ellie to bed, Bethany finally left me in charge of finishing the deed, telling Ellie that she was going to go take a shower. On that evening, that trip to the shower included a quick detour downstairs for a glass of water which Ellie heard. Now, we think Ellie believes Bethany won't actually take a shower unless she forces her to.

I guess we should just be happy that we have a daughter that values our personal hygiene so much. Now, let's just hope she still feels that way someday when Bethany and I are at such an advanced age that we can no longer care for ourselves. At that point though, she probably won't be so eager to help. #DaddyWrite

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