I like to think of myself as a creative person. Maybe I am,
maybe I'm not. In all honesty, the actual truth is probably somewhere in the
I say this because despite my best efforts, I find myself
unable to formulate any true hook today. I know, I know. I'm disappointed too. However,
256 blog posts (and counting) over 506 days (to date) have left me with a small
case of writer's block. I guess I just have nothing interesting to say anymore.
Except for the fact that Bethany's pregnant! Ha, you should
see the look on your face or at least the look that I envision is on your face.
I admit that was a really cheesy and lame way to break news.
I don't regret it though. For those wanting details, Bethany is currently at 20
weeks making the approximate due date February 10th.
Of course, a big part of being 20 weeks pregnant is that
it's officially time to find out the sex of said baby. Taking that into
account, Bethany and I could think of no better arena to make that news public
information than #DaddyWrite. With that, we flashback to yesterday morning.
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There's a bump... |
It goes without saying that I wanted to be a part of finding
out exactly what was growing inside my wife. For the record, we really didn't
care if it was girl, boy, or monkey. On second thought, monkey probably
wouldn't be ideal even though Ellie would love playing with it. Speaking of
Ellie, it was important to us that she get to share in the moment of finding
out whether she would be having a brother or sister. As a result, she got to
tag along with us to Bethany's appointment.
Upon our arrival, Bethany headed inside the office to check
in while Ellie and I made a quick detour to the restroom. Unfortunately for the
two of us, the detour wasn't quick enough. By the time Ellie finished up and we
made it inside, Bethany had already been called back for her doctor's checkup. With
no alternative, we just made ourselves at home until time for the ultrasound.
Now, I don't know if you've ever tried to entertain a
toddler in a women's health clinic waiting room but it's not easy. For one thing,
there aren't any toys or age appropriate magazines. Also, 'Good Morning,
America' doesn't really hold Ellie's attention well. Lucky for us, I stumbled across
an old copy of 'Country Living' full of photographs of cows, pigs, goats, dogs,
cats, and several other animals that I have already forgotten about.
Soon enough, Bethany returned to the waiting room and we
were called back for the ultrasound. Ellie and I promptly settled into a chair
beside the table where Bethany lay, gazing up at the screen on the wall as we
awaited answers. Actually, I gazed up at the screen on the wall.
Ellie was enamored with the stack of new (to her) board books she had just been
given by the ultrasound tech.
As the tech began her poking and prodding, the answer to our
question was readily apparent. We really didn't even need the ultrasound tech to
point out our son's "flagpole" as she called it. That's right, Ellie
will be having a brother in February!
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Supposedly, there is proof somewhere in these photos... |
For Bethany and the tech, the rest of the ultrasound was
spent getting various measurements and vitals. For me, it was full of
trying to keep Ellie from crawling up onto the table with Bethany through any
means necessary. That included reading, coloring, and looking at pictures on my
phone. Finally, the appointment was over and it was time for us to leave.
Of course, now that we have our answers regarding sex, we
can now tackle the true test of figuring out what we're going to call this
little man. In case you're wondering, Steve Holt is already out of the running.
My wife doesn't think we should name our son after a character from 'Arrested
For the record, I respectfully disagree but what are you going to do? #DaddyWrite
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