Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Day 401 - Enter Sheepie

I'm going to preface this post with a public statement: I really don't know anything at all about kids that aren't my own. As a guy who had never even held a newborn baby until (I'm guessing) 2013, I feel that's to be expected. However, that doesn't stand in the way of me pretending to know what I'm talking about, especially when writing #DaddyWrite posts.

Can I use this as my answer to everything?

For my main point of this blog, I'm willing to guess that most children go through a phase where a stuffed animal or a security blanket is an essential part of their life. Am I wrong in saying that? I mean, I can provide examples if you'd like. 

For one, my nephew who is three weeks older than Ellie seems to have been born with his security blanket surgically grafted to his hand. I feel that describes just how little I've seen him without it in tow. For a more personal example, I can truthfully say that I held onto my own security blanket as a kid for longer than I care to admit. In fact, said blanket is still residing in a trunk at my parents' house despite its extremely tattered condition.

Throughout the first 22 months (close enough) of Ellie's life, she's certainly had her share of brief love affairs with various objects. As a newborn, who could forget the seemingly unbreakable bonds she forged with Leon the lion and Evie the elephant. The random tags that adorned each certainly brought her peace and calm through many a (literal) storm. We also can't forget how Leon was Ellie's constant playtime companion while Evie kept her company on many a car ride.

Ah, those carefree days of staring contests with Leon. In case you're wondering, Leon always won.

Also of note from her first days is a white bear in a t-shirt proudly declaring "My Uncle Ryan is the Best!". Obviously, Uncle Ryan Bear as we took to calling him was a gift from Ellie's Uncle Ryan. There have been plenty of other stuffed animals along the way including a musical octopus, a pair of handmade elephants, Gerard the giraffe who came from the Zoo, as well as a floppy, canvas bunny named Violet. 

While all of these stuffed animals have been special to Ellie in their own way, one new addition has risen above the rest of the pack. Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present to you for the very first time, Sheepie the sheep. 

Sheepie came to Ellie by way of an Easter gift from a relatively random source, a neighbor of Bethany's from her days at home named Donna. While Ellie has obviously had access to stuffed animals in the past, Sheepie is different for several reasons. First of all, Ellie actually named Sheepie all by herself. Sadly, it took Bethany and I a while to figure out exactly what Ellie was referring to when saying "Sheepie." 

Second, and perhaps more importantly, Sheepie is the first stuffed animal that Ellie has ever wanted to sleep with on her own accord. Within the first few days of Sheepie moving in, Ellie had recruited the tiny stuffed sheep to occupy a place of honor in her toddler bed. If I had to guess why Ellie loves Sheepie so, I'd have to say it has something to do with it being small enough to fit in her arms as well as being soft enough to cuddle. 

Look closely and you'll find Sheepie under Ellie's right arm.

Time will ultimately tell if Sheepie has the lasting power of my childhood security blanket. However, I'd say it's off to a good start as it's become rare for Ellie to even travel to another floor of our house without Sheepie in tow. Even if it's not with her, Sheepie is never far from her mind as she will routinely just say its name over and over again.

In fact, for the record, I'm pretty close to adding "Sheepie" to the list of words I'm really tired of hearing Ellie say. In case you're wondering, others on that prestigious list include "Mom," "Dad," and "Snack." Too bad for me that those are relatively useful words Ellie won't be forgetting anytime soon. #DaddyWrite

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