Friday, September 1, 2017

Day 246 - Secret Significances of Car Keys and Lunchpails

I'm sure loyal readers know this by now, but there's rarely a day that goes by where I'm not surprised by something Ellie does. The problem is that sometimes I find myself surprised by so many things during the course of the day that I invariably end up forgetting something. Yesterday actually ended up being one of those days where I was super excited about the blog topic I had ready to go and I totally missed out on telling a cute little tale about just how sneaky smart Ellie can be. Of course, maybe I intentionally did so because the same story also shows just how much Ellie can prefer her mommy to her daddy.

The majority of my weekday mornings begin the same way. Alarm at 5:15, gym by 5:30, and home by 6:30. Another part of that routine is that I always find myself excited to see Ellie as soon as I get home. Honestly, it's one of the things I look most forward to about every day. I'm always hopeful that she'll be as excited to see me as I am to see her. That's probably normal though when you spend as much time with your kid as I do.

As I walked in the door, I wasn't greeted by the usual arrangement of sounds. In case you're wondering, those normal sounds are generally something along the lines of Ellie laughing, babbling to herself, or begging for food. Another option is the sound of Bethany narrating aloud to Ellie the process of getting ready for the morning. 

Yesterday was one of those where none of those sounds were present. Instead, I was greeted by the ear piercing screams of Ellie. You see, she's been going through a combination of mental growth, physical growth, and dental growth; never a good mix. Needless to say, those three things have put Ellie in quite the funk now and then. 

Fortunately, once I saw what was going on, I immediately hopped into action, readying Ellie's second breakfast of applesauce with chunks of Nutri-grain bar. I was certainly flabbergasted by how quickly Ellie's mood changed just by cramming her full of more food. Before I knew it, we were playing in the living room and she was even bringing me books to read to her.

All of this is well and good (maybe slightly cute), but none of it is the story to came to hear. That starts now. You see, Bethany and I have long known our daughter can be pretty smart. However, there are times that she surprises even us. As Bethany prepared to head out the door yesterday for a day of work, she picked Ellie up for one last hug. As she held our daughter in her arms, Ellie grabbed the car keys right out of Bethany's hands. It wasn't just to hold them though as she immediately handed them to me. I stood there, looking at Ellie in confusion. With that, Ellie then pointed to Bethany's lunchbox on the table.

It's quite the manly lunchbox...

You see, Ellie had decided she was tired of the status quo of staying at home with Daddy while Mommy went to work. In her little mind, Ellie had pieced together that the person who grabs the keys and the lunch box each morning is meant to leave while the one that doesn't will stay behind. On this day, Ellie decided it was time for me to go to work. Unfortunately for Ellie, things don't always work out the way we want. Bethany and I instead had to exchange the items in our possession, namely Ellie and the keys and lunchbox. 

I've got to say that I was utterly impressed by Ellie picking up on the theme that keys and lunchbox mean someone's leaving. Unfortunately, she still needs to learn that me holding them doesn't necessarily mean I'll be the one leaving. I mean, the lunchbox was pink. Her parents need to teach her the meaning of colors or something. Oh. #DaddyWrite

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