Monday, August 22, 2016

Day 1 - It begins...

Hi, I'm Jesse.

This is Ellie. Cute huh?

Welcome to a little journey over the next year of my life (at least) where I'll be staying at home working to take care of her, make her happy, keep her alive, etc. First, a little backstory.  It was always important to my wife and I that one of us stay home and care for little Ellie once she was born.  After much discussion between the two of us, we decided that I should be the one to stay home with her for this time in her life due to a variety of factors.  Two of which being salary and job fulfillment.  Moderately important, right?

Today was Bethany's first day back at work which definitely has me feeling a large amount of emotions.  Nervous for the upcoming journey ahead.  Trepidation on how to raise a baby well.  Prayers for patience and understanding when she's dropping piercing screams into my ears.  You know, the usual.  In addition, this is the first time in my adult life that I haven't been employed after working in the same place for the past seven years.  This time will be useful for giving me some time to plan out the rest of my life.

So, you've found your way via the World Wide Web to #DaddyWrite and you're probably wondering exactly what you'll be reading each day.  The biggest thing that this provides me with is a daily (or nearly daily) outlet to create something.  I've always enjoyed writing, especially when doing so about my life, so I'll be telling stories from my days with Ellie from the POV of a new stay-at-home dad.  They will mostly be written although there's going to be the occasional video entries.  Some of these will be serious, others will likely be about the slightly traumatizing/humorous  experiences that I go though attempting to raise this little girl.  

So after all of that, let me be the first to welcome you to #DaddyWrite.  We'll definitely try to check in tomorrow morning and let you know exactly what my life is going to resemble on a daily basis.  This will also help to ensure that I'm not watching Netflix for nine hours a day.  Just the more manageable seven.  Peace!

BTW, I really wanted to call this blog #MissingMommy.  Apparently that's the name of a bereavement book for helping kids deal with the loss of their mother.  Not applicable in this case even if young Ellie is indeed #MissingMommy.

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