Sunday, May 27, 2018

Day 422 - Seeing Stripes

You know that feeling of being super excited for something to happen just to be disappointed when it finally occurs? Everyone's been there at least once. Maybe twice.  Perhaps even thrice. It's doubtful it's ever happened to anyone more than thrice though. When you're an adult, it's pretty easy to deal with that kind of disappointment; you just dust yourself off and move on. However, when you're a toddler, you find yourself overcome by this sudden rush of emotions that allows you to respond in only one fashion. 

Insert obligatory 'Boy Meets World' gif here...

Ok, I realize that opening was incredibly vague and you're probably not wanting me to end a story right there. Well, allow me to regale you with a tale about Ellie's latest trip to the zoo. Actually, first of all, let me say that it is never a good idea to go to the zoo in the mornings during May. Schools are still in session and therefore, there are field trips aplenty which can make things slightly more difficult for a dad with his toddler in a stroller. "The More You Know."

As you may or may not know, last week marked the debut of the Kansas City Zoo's newest attraction entitled Sting Ray Bay. I'm going to assume that it's fairly obvious this is an attraction starring, yes, you guessed it, the sting ray. Therefore, when you take all of that into account, it makes perfect sense for the zoo to be packed.  To be completely honest, I really wanted to make sure we saw the exhibit. Ellie probably was indifferent to it at best. Regardless, we hotfooted it over to Sting Ray Bay and hopped in line as soon as we entered the zoo.

First thing we had to do upon entering the exhibit is to wash our hands and arms all the way up to our elbows. Apparently the zoo wishes to keep the sting rays healthy. Then, after washing, it was time to wander up to the tank and thrust our hands in. Well, I thrust my hands in. Ellie, meanwhile, stood nervously watching me as I touched a sting ray's rubbery-feeling skin and/or hide. After a few minutes of trying to help Ellie touch the rays I gave up as the combination of her uncertainty and her inability to reach that far into the water was standing in our way.

After washing our hands and arms off one more time, we bid adieu to the sting rays and headed outside where Ellie immediately declared "Tiger" in a booming voice. It is here that I feel the urge to specify that it would be unusual for a tiger to be roaming free at the Kansas City Zoo. Feel free to take a sigh of relief that that was indeed the case. Although, it is common to see statues of tigers around the zoo as Ellie did on this occasion. She ran up to the statues, hopped on its back, and proceeded to wrap her tiny arms around its neck over and over again until it was finally time to head on our way.

Don't ask me why Ellie is sticking her tongue out in this picture. She's just weird.

At this point, I specifically asked Ellie what she wanted to see more than anything. Her response? "Tiger." Now, a good father would probably take his daughter to the tigers at that moment. What did I do? I took her to see the penguins, elephants, orangutans, polar bear, and even a bird show. Throughout each of these experiences, Ellie's requests for "Tiger" still rang true. Well, not the bird show. In that instance, those "Tiger" calls were instead replaced with a chorus of "Again" every time a bird swooped over our heads on its way across the auditorium.

Finally, the time had come. With the sun reaching its peak in the midday sky, I knew our time at the zoo was coming to a close. Therefore, I saw no better way to spend our closing minutes than to take Ellie to see the tigers at long last. Lucky for me that I chose to go when I did as we received the unexpected treat of seeing one tiger cool itself in its little pool as its buddy prowled the confines of the enclosure looking for any sign of escape. Either that or it was just looking for the perfect place to take a nap because that was the very next thing it did. I can't be certain though.

The big take-aways from this zoo trip? Well, number one, try to go in the afternoon to avoid field trips. Number two, no matter how many times a toddler asks a tiger for a fist bump, the sad truth is that it will never be given. Number three, continue to deeply encourage and foster Ellie's love of tigers to no end. Ok, maybe I should specify that my daughter should always shun tigers if they come from Detroit, LSU, or Auburn. Details, details. #DaddyWrite

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