Sunday, May 13, 2018

Day 414 - The Edibility of Past Sins

Hi, my name is Jesse and I need to confess something. 

Just imagine this is me instead of Cillian Murphy and you have an idea of my "confession face"

I was a moron while in college. Seriously. I'm sorry if you had the misfortune of knowing me then as I was clearly very immature and needed to grow up, etc. Why again did my poor wife fall in love with me during that stage of life again? Probably just hard up for company or something.

I should probably add that I wasn't a moron in the typical college definition of getting sloshed, trashed, etc. Instead, I was more of a silly moron. One example could be the infamous $.35 game which consisted of passing $.35 back and forth while passing time on the way to classes on the other side of campus. As dumb as it sounds, it actually provided us with many a laugh. In fact, I even worked it into a pair of weddings where I served as the best man. Yep, I'm that immature. 

I should probably also mention the "game" that my friend, Brian, and I shared of serenading Bethany (and her unfortunate roommates) every time we walked under her window with the strains of "How to Save a Life" by The Fray. In fact, that probably had something to do with why Brian and I were banned from visiting Bethany in her dorm room by her roommates. 

Of course, there were other dumb moments such as that time I wanted to play cards on the roof of our dorm building. Or maybe that time when I thought it made sense to compare a friend to a fajita (because both lacked goals in life). However, none of these so-called games are coming back to haunt me in the way that one particular game is. A game that we'll call "Eat that!"

I wonder how long before Bethany tells me to take this photo down...

 "Eat that" is a fairly simple game with fairly simple rules, born in the fog of late-night sessions of being on call, caffeinated beverages, and packages of Pizza Rolls. In it, I would dramatically raise a Pizza Roll to my ajar mouth only to stop inches from crossing the threshold into said mouth. At that point, Brian (or someone else) would loudly declare to me, "Eat that," to which I would immediately oblige. That little game eventually grew to include a multitude of non-edible items, accompanied by the chorus of "You don't want to eat that; just imagine trying to pass that."

And now that you've clearly lost all form of respect for me, I can explain how Ellie is currently torturing me with the very same game. I can't say exactly when it began, only that it's been occurring over the past couple of weeks. In the same way that I once did, Ellie will dramatically raise anything to her mouth only to stop inches from her mouth. Then, with all of the bass she can muster, she will scream out "Eat that!".

Now, that's all well and good as long as she's eating food. However, the problem is that she's not just referring to food when playing "Eat that". There are plenty of non-edible objects that have also become a part of this game. Blocks, the broom, plants, balls, and even her own body parts have all been a part of this game as well. 

I think the weirdest part about Ellie discovering "Eat that" is that I wasn't the one to introduce it to her. In fact, we have no idea where she learned it. I'm guessing that it's just a normal game toddlers like to play. I guess one good thing to come out of Ellie's discovery of "Eat that" is that she is apparently more mature than me. After all, I was playing this game at 21 years of age; she's playing it at 2!

 Now to publish this in an online forum where everyone who's ever met me can lose respect for me and I can also cost myself a multitude of future job prospects in one fell swoop. Yay, me! #DaddyWrite

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