Friday, March 16, 2018

Day 369 - Two for the Syllables (Please, No More McConaughey)

Remember that one time when I mentioned Matthew McConaughey in a blog post? 

Ok, I admit that was just earlier this week. That being said, I wasn't really wanting to bring him up again this soon if for no other reason than I find his last name incredibly difficult to spell. Plus, the name, McConaughey, is always going to have that little squiggly red line underneath it in Word. Yes, I'm aware I could just program the name into Word's dictionary. However, what's really the point in doing so as I'm not exactly mentioning the man daily?

So, once again, while I had no intentions of mentioning Matthew McConaughey again this soon, you'll soon see that Ellie left me with no alternative. 

A live camera shot of McConaughey when he discovers this post on the internet...

Over the past couple of weeks, we've seen Ellie's vocabulary expand seemingly daily. She'll randomly latch onto words that Bethany and I nonchalantly drop into conversation. You know, stuff like "Wow","Whoa" and "Cool" as mentioned in the past. She also knows "milk", "water", and even "hot". Up to this point though, Ellie's word choices have been one-syllable affairs. Well, that all changed last night.

I feel it pertinent to mention here that I spent basically all day yesterday plagued by a grumpy baby. By the time Bethany arrived home, I was spent for the day. My greeting for Bethany was something along the lines of "Here, take this," while thrusting Ellie into her hands. My wife being the understanding soul she is immediately responded by taking Ellie out to the backyard to play.   

After a few minutes of hanging out inside, I looked out the window to my girls in the backyard having fun and decided I might as well hang the hammock for them to swing in. After putting up the hammock, I took a few minutes to spread grass seed on some bare spots in the lawn before joining Bethany and Ellie in the hammock for family time. 

You're so wise, Godfather.

At this point, Ellie initiated one of her favorite games which I like to call "What's that?". Basically Ellie points to something inquisitively and proclaims "What?". Then, Bethany or I respond with the answer and Ellie will attempt to repeat the word.  In the context of the game, Ellie chose to ask us what the hammock was to which we replied accordingly. Now, I had no expectations for her to say "hammock" as it's a multi-syllable word. So, with that, you can imagine my palpable surprise when she succeeded in doing so. 

With that, I pretty much figured Ellie shocking us with her vocabulary was done for the day. I mean, as a toddler, how do you improve on a two-syllable word. That's right, with another two syllable word.

Fast forward to bathtime. With Ellie in the midst of playing in the water, Bethany and I were discussing some household chores we needed to get done that evening after Ellie was in bed. Upon confirming that she was good with doing so, I responded with a hearty McConaughey-ism of "Alright, alright, alright." At that, Ellie looked at me, huge smile on her face, and responded with her own "Alright, alright, alright" to all of our surprise. She followed that up with repeating her new catch phrase over and over and over until bedtime mercifully arrived.

Yay for being able to reuse gifs.

If I was asked to critique Ellie's delivery, I would have to rank it as not being laid back enough for a true McConaughey impression. It lacked that mellow, Southern drawl and instead became louder and included more screaming with each repetition. However, still not bad for a toddler who's learning new words all the time. I give it a solid B+.

Now, taking all of that into account, I don't want to write about Matthew McConaughey again for quite a while after this. I mean, I like the guy just fine but I feel like it's going to get creepy if I keep doing so. No one wants me to come across as creepy, right? #DaddyWrite

Daddy, don't be creepy. No more McConaughey.

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