Thursday, April 13, 2017

Day 154 - Intense Interpretation of Infant Linguistics

As anyone who knows me will likely attest, there is a remote possibility that I deeply enjoy the sound of my own voice. At least that's the case as long as I'm not listening to myself on tape or something of that ilk. Hearing my own voice in that fashion is the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard as far as I'm concerned. I shudder just thinking about it. What I mean is that I love to be engaged in conversation. Now, statistics do say that 98% of those conversations center around some kind of tomfoolery. Regardless, I just find it enjoyable to engage in a variety of conversations with those around me.

I bring this up because as Ellie continues to develop, I see tinges of my personality popping out of her. For example, I've already brought up Ellie's trick of hand waving. If it's possible to abuse waving, then that's exactly what she's doing. Approximately every two minutes, Ellie's arm will start flopping around in a less than graceful manner as she grins widely at what she's accomplished. In fact, she generally won't cease waving until acknowledged. I sometimes wonder if Ellie's arm will fall off just like my favorite Ninja Turtle action figure growing up. Of course it's a lot easier to fix "Olympic Swimmer Raphael" than it would be to glue Ellie's arm back on. Luckily that's not really a legitimate concern.

Not content to be a one-trick pony, Ellie has tirelessly worked to expand her personal greetings. Her newest trick is actually audible communication. Actually, I should probably place audible communication inside quotation marks because it's doubtful that what she's doing is actually communication. It leans more towards being incoherent babbling. Incoherent babbling that is dangerously close to "Mama". 

That's right, Ellie's about ready to say her first word. Honestly, I'm a little saddened by the fact that Ellie's likely going to choose "Mama" as her first word. I was really hoping for 'copasetic'. Or perhaps 'sanctimonious'. I even would have settled for 'flapdoodle'. In all seriousness, I am a little disappointed that it won't be "Dada". I know that was my first word so I thought there was a chance it could be Ellie's. Not to mention the fact that the baby actually spends all day every day with me. You'd think she would show a little bit of gratitude.

The one good thing about Ellie beginning to ramble incoherently is that I'm not spending the entire day alone with just my thoughts anymore. It certainly breaks up the monotony of a day having some form of deep conversation with my daughter. At least that's the case as long as she's not chewing on a sock or shoe. I think I've had dogs in my lifetime that chewed on shoes less than my daughter. 

I'm hoping that habit isn't a harbinger of things to come. I don't want to look out the front window one of these days to see Ellie chasing cars down the street. Number one, she's not very fast. Number two, what would she even do with a car if she caught one? And finally, number three, no one wants to be friends with the girl who chases the car down the street. Well, except for the neighborhood dogs that is. #DaddyWrite

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