Thursday, April 6, 2017

Day 150 - A Short, Sweet Post with a Short, Sweet Story

I'm not here to lie. I am just here to regale you with true-to-life adventures in child-rearing. Ok, I will occasionally embellish facts for the sake of humor. However, those embellishments are simply meant to add to the story, not to detract. Ok, maybe it occasionally detracts. Don't worry, the basis of said-story still remains the same. I say this because every so often I stumble across a nice little moment on an otherwise uneventful day. I could easily spend 500 words running through the entire day interlaced with humorous observations just to get to my nice little highlight hidden within. Today, I'd rather just share my nice little story with you and call it good. :)

I will give you a little bit of background information just to set the stage, but I'm going to do it in a list format. Ta-da!
  • Ellie napped in her room for an hour, woke up screaming, ended up sleeping on my chest (with me trapped underneath) until approximately 10:15.
  • Fed Ellie a bottle.
  • Grabbed a quick shower, shut Ellie inside the bathroom with me so that the steam would hopefully clear out her stuffy nose (FYI, it worked).
  • Loaded Ellie up in the car to go out.
  • Met Malachi at Chick-Fil-A for lunch. I ate chicken. It was good.
  • Headed to OfficeMax to get the rest of Bethany's printing for the baby shower completed, check-out girl from Tuesday gushed over Ellie again, Ellie smiled accordingly giving poor check-out girl baby fever (check-out girl is getting married in June, good for check-out girl).

At this point, Bethany and I were texting back and forth only for Bethany to come up with a proposition. Simply put, that proposition was asking if I would bring Ellie to Bethany's work to see her mother. Now, even though it was clearly cutting into my oh-so-busy list of errands, I wasn't going to turn down the mother of my child. With that, I turned west on Barry Road, drove approximately 2,000 feet, switched lanes three times, and turned north onto I-29 to head to DFA.

Once we arrived, I removed my happily smiling baby from her car seat and carried her inside the building. When inside, I called Bethany and asked her to come down and escort us upstairs. While waiting, Ellie was looking around the lobby taking everything in. She was especially perplexed by the five-foot tall glass of milk in the lobby, as am I (Art?). Once the elevator with Bethany arrived, I walked forward into the elevator with Ellie looking backwards over my shoulder.

The human body was not made to consume this much bovine juice.

Here's where it gets interesting. I immediately passed the baby into her mother's arms. However, Ellie was still looking at me as she hadn't even noticed Bethany yet. After looking at me confused, Ellie finally turned her head to see her mother standing there. Ellie's face was first overcome by stunned confusion as she attempted to comprehend what she was seeing. Ellie's face then burst into an ear-to-ear grin as she began shaking with excitement. She let out a happy shriek and buried her face deep inside her mother's shoulder. Finally Ellie peeked back out to make sure Bethany was still there and began touching her mother's face over and over again to make certain it wasn't a mirage.

I absolutely love seeing little moments like this. Not only because Ellie and Bethany were both so happy. I love it because it helps break up the occasional feelings of monotony I feel as a "SAHD". Feelings that are especially prevalent on cold/rainy weeks such as this.

Ok, I must apologize; I lied. This blog up to this point was 611 words long. That's definitely more than 500. Might have something to do with my handy-dandy list format clocking in at 123 words. I'm long-winded, what else can I say? Thank you for your time. #DaddyWrite

No, that's still a lie.

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