Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Day 1,769 - Photographer at Work

It’s always fun to watch one’s children develop a new skill. It doesn’t matter if it’s an academic, athletic, or an everyday life skill. It’s still a fun process to watch unfold. Today, Ellie had one of those moments as she put one of her new birthday gifts to good use and broadened her artistic horizons.

Today was a little bit of an unusual day around the Holt household. As Bethany was working from home, I decided the best thing for the rest of us to do was make ourselves scarce. Therefore, around 9:00 am, Ellie, Ethan, and I loaded up in the car and set out for the Zoo.

While the kids have always loved the Zoo, I’ve noticed over the past year that they are getting a little less excited about going over time. That was bound to happen sooner or later, I guess. We have had Zoo passes for practically Ellie’s entire life. We also were just there twice a couple of weeks ago. Today though, Ellie was actually excited for our trip. The main reason for that being the case was that she was taking along her new camera to take some photos.

Of course, Ellie had to take a photo of her favorite target.

Once we reached the Zoo, the three of us set out for Africa where we made our way around the grounds. It didn’t take Ellie long to begin taking video of the baboons leisurely walking around their enclosure. That was only the beginning of her videography practice for the day. As we circled Africa, she found time to take photos of many of the animals that she saw along the way including the chimpanzees, a pair of tortoises, gorillas, and some birds.

Once we completed a full circle of Africa, we hopped on the Sky Safari to sail over the top of the animals. It was there that Ellie really put her camera to use by taking 180-degree video of the grasslands under her as we flew over the animals. She also took plenty of shots of the giraffes, zebras, and ostriches that resided below. After our round trip was over, it was time to head back to the front section of the Zoo for a quick lunch before taking in some more animals.

Our next stop after lunch was the aquarium where Ellie once again had a ball playing photographer. She seriously made a stop at almost every display to snap some photos of the animals within. My favorite had to be some of her awesome shots of Tortellini the sea turtle. The pride that she showed in sharing her favorite shots with me was pretty awesome to behold too.

Next on the agenda was a pair of quick stops to visit the penguins and the sting rays before making our final stop of the day at the sea lion enclosure to watch animal training. It was here where Ellie’s camera received its biggest workout of the day as she took quite the series of videos highlighting nearly every part of the training.

By the time we finished up at the Zoo, Ellie had taken around 40 photos and videos and had done a fantastic job documenting our trip. Like I said earlier, it’s really fun to see one’s child learning a new skill and I’m certainly excited to see what exactly she chooses to take pictures of next!


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