Friday, May 24, 2024

Day 1,745 - Summer Break's A-Comin'

Today kind of marked a weird day for me. You see, it’s one of those days that’s not unbelievably significant but still somewhat significant. Today was the final day that Ethan and I will spend alone before Ellie joins us for summer break. Not only that, but it’s likely the final day that the two of us will spend together before Ethan begins school in the fall. Crazy, right?

Since I had attributed so much meaning to the day, I decided to try and make it all about Ethan by basically letting him plan our day. Of course, when you tell a five-year-old that he’s responsible for planning the day, you’re sometimes met with a resounding chorus of “I don’t know.” Therefore, I ended up having to give him ideas here and there for things to do. We finally ended up with plans to go to a park in the morning and then to go to a splash pad later in the afternoon.

After dropping Ellie off at school, Ethan and I started our day off by heading to E.H. Riverfront Park in Riverside. Honestly, it’s been a while since we’ve wandered to Riverfront Park so Ethan was actually pretty stoked to get to play there. Between the three-story slide, the zip-lines, and the various things to climb, it’s one of his favorites!

When we first arrived, Ethan quickly made his way to the big slides where he took a few trips down. Then, he asked me if we could head to the zipline. Most park ziplines are pretty small and easy for kids to get on and off. Not so at Riverfront. Ethan actually needs help to initially climb up onto the seat and then after that he’s fine. Before our ziplining fun began, Ethan decided to challenge himself by taking on the ropes agility course leading to the zipline. He’s really become a fan of stuff like this since watching American Ninja Warrior on television last year. He honestly does a pretty good job at it, too. I’m continually amazed at how he deftly makes it across obstacles that it seems like he has no business attempting.

Once he finished up at the zipline, Ethan headed back to the playground to tackle that agility course which involved him climbing through a series of ropes, across floating portals, up a “rock” wall, and finally reaching solid ground on the other side. Of course, it wouldn’t be a trip to the park without engaging in a little time playing soccer together. I’ve been trying to teach him the value of dribbling and passing so we spent time in the octoball pit so that he could practice making and receiving short passes.

After that, we headed home for lunch and a quiet time before our afternoon activities could commence. Around 1:00 pm, Ethan and I began getting changed into our swimsuits so that we could make our way to City Park in Liberty to play at the splash park.

Ethan’s one request for the splash park was that I actually stand under the large dumping bucket with him and get wet. While I didn’t initially think that was a big thing to ask, my mind was certainly changed when I realized just how cold the water was on this day. Eventually though, I worked up the courage to join my already-drenched son under the bucket for a dumping (even if I did sidestep most of it at the last minute).

Eventually, Ethan tired of the splash park and made his way over to the adjoining playground to dry off while playing on some more ropes courses. If you didn’t already know, Ethan definitely has a favorite kind of playground. My favorite part though was watching him continually try to leap from stone to stone in an attempt to make it through an area of the playground without touching the ground. It’s always fun how such a simple activity can activate both his imagination and his competitive streak in a never-ending quest to complete his mission.

Around 3:00 pm, I had to break it to the little man that it was time for us to head home. After all, I knew we had one more activity ahead of us for the day and I wanted us to have the opportunity to change clothes, rest, and grab some supplies for our final activity. When the time came, we headed to school to pick up Ellie and made a stop by Summer Sno Co. on the way home. You see, Ellie’s been asking to go to the snow cone stand for at least a couple of weeks and I had promised her we could on the last day of school. Since Friday is a full day, I instead chose to celebrate the last day of school on Thursday.

The great thing about Summer Sno Co. is that their snow cones are large enough for multiple people to share. As such, I generally take along some extra cups and spoons for splitting up the snow cones so that everyone can have their own. Of course, the downfall of that choice is that it normally takes a bit of time for the kids to come to a consensus on what flavor to get. Luckily on this day, it went fairly smoothly, and they decided on the special of Polynesian Punch (Pineapple, Strawberry, and Black Cherry).

Once we received our order, I split the snow cones up among the three of us and we found a shady spot to sit and enjoy our frozen treat in the shade before heading home for the day. As you can see, it certainly was a full and fun last day before summer. Unfortunately, I’ve got several more last days to celebrate in the upcoming months. Don’t worry; I’m already trying to mentally prepare myself for those lasts to come.


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