Thursday, November 9, 2023

Day 1,627 - Ethan Plays at the Movies?

Aren’t bizarrely warm fall days the greatest? That’s certainly been the case this week and I feel like I’ve made the most of it. Between working on our deck (the project that will never end!), mulching twelve bags worth of leaves, and helping my dad wean calves, I feel like I’ve certainly made the most of my time outside. For most of those activities, Ethan has been right there alongside me, patiently waiting for me to take a break to play football with him. Don’t worry, I take those breaks plenty!

Of course, the thing about fall is that you’re not guaranteed to always have those warm fall days. In fact, there are those times when you instead find yourself subjected to a day with less-than-desirable temperatures and/or precipitation. When those occasions happen, it’s only fitting to start trying to figure out what to do. For Ethan and me, last week provided one of those days which led us to perhaps the most unique movie theater experience of all time.

Like most preschoolers, Ethan is a big fan of Paw Patrol. He can name each pup by name, knows all about their vehicles, and even has a favorite episode (Ready, Race, Rescue). Therefore, when the second movie, “The Mighty Movie”, was released recently, he knew that he wanted to see it. We had been content to wait for it to hit a streaming service so that he could watch it on the projector at home. However, when I saw an offer for $5 tickets at the B&B Theaters in Liberty, I knew we needed to make a trip to the movies.

I realize that a trip to the movies probably isn’t the most unique experience in the world. However, I can basically guarantee that this was pretty unique for us. For one thing, I can’t say that I had ever been to a theater with a playground in the screening room before this trip. Yes, you read that right. B&B Theaters offers a special line of theaters called “Screen Play” that provides a kid-friendly experience across the board. There was the aforementioned playground that opens 30 minutes prior to the movie starting. There also was kid-friendly pre-show programming on the screen and get this, NO TRAILERS!

Ethan, for his part, had been completely in the dark about our plans for the day so he was understandably excited when we arrived at the theater. As you can guess, his excitement level increased once he started winding his way through the maze of a playground built into one side of the auditorium. Over the next 30 minutes or so, Ethan went up and down the slide more times than I can count. Occasionally he would jet out of the playground and come find me just to check in.

Eventually, a large countdown clock appeared on the screen alerting us that it was time for us to take our seats in the large recliners awaiting us. As the lights went down, Ethan’s huge smile plastered across his face told quite the story. While the last time we went to a movie, Ethan had tons of questions about the subject matter (Kung-Fu Panda). However, this time, Ethan was so familiar with the subject material that he was completely engrossed. Outside of brief sips from his water bottle and the occasional bite of Skinny Pop, Ethan’s eyes didn’t deviate from the action on the screen.

After the movie ended and we left the theater, it only made sense that we could head to the car. However, I don’t know that I was ready for the rapid-fire recall of Ethan replaying everything that had happened over the past few hours between the playground and the movie. I also wasn’t prepared for him to immediately ask what we would see at the Screen Play next. LOL.


Also, after everything that happened that day, Ethan still found time to take a short nap in the car!

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