Thursday, August 3, 2023

Day 1,559 - Finishing Summer Strong

Summer can be both a blessing and a curse.

Yeah, that's right; I said it. It may not reflect super well on my chances of winning the prestigious (and totally fictional) "Bandit Heeler Father of the Year Award" but it's true. It's definitely a feeling that leaves me feeling guilty especially when you consider that Ellie will be starting second grade in a couple of weeks and Ethan will be starting preschool.

At the beginning of summer, there is always excitement in the air at getting to have so much time with both kids. However, by this stage of the summer, we've exhausted many of the fun activities we planned for the summer. Also, the kids find themselves ready to have some semblance of normal routine in their lives again. However, that being said, I am bound and determined to make the most of our last two weeks before school begins.

Yesterday, being out and about was the story of the day. In the morning, we began our day by heading to Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in Liberty so that the kids could expend some energy by playing on the indoor playground there. Over the last month, that indoor playground has become a life saver due to the intense heat and consistent rain showers each day. Once we finished up our time there, we headed back home for a lunch and quiet time before heading back to Liberty in the afternoon. Our reason for doing so was so that the kids could go bowling at Retro Bowl!

I'm well aware that there are bowling alleys closer to our home than the east side of Liberty. However, none of them participate in the Kids Bowl Free program which gives each kid two free games of bowling a week. All we had to do was pay the shoe rental and we were all set for an afternoon of fun. One of my favorite things about it was seeing how successful each kid was at bowling (even if Ethan was usinga ramp). In fact, Ellie and Ethan both bowled multiple strikes and spares. After we finished up our two games of bowling, it was time to hit up Yogurtini for a little dessert before heading home. While there was no real occasion for doing so, it felt like a 16 oz cup of yogurt with all of the toppings we could handle for $6 was reason enough.

After we finished up our yogurt, it was time to head home. Whenever the kids and I have an outing such as this one, I always tend to wonder just how much they enjoyed it. Was it fun for them or was it nothing special? Well, I always manage to get an answer to that question one way or the other when Bethany gets home from work each night. If the kids had a good day, they will talk her ear off and share every last story about it.

Also, if I ever need additional clarification, all I have to do is listen to the kids' prayer at night where they thank God for their favorite parts of the day. Guess what was there? All of the things we did on this day. Maybe that's enough to qualify me for the slightly less prestigious "Bandit Heeler Father of the Day Award".


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