Friday, March 10, 2023

Day 1,468 - Back to the Stacks (and Enjoying Panda)

Ethan and I have been a little busy lately. Actually, that's probably putting it mildly. Ethan and I have been quite busy lately. Last week alone, we probably made at least four or five trips to the hardware store for various things we needed to complete our great bathroom redesign. It's ok though because our guest bathroom now has blue walls and reminds us of the beach. Case in point...

After the great bathroom remodel was finished, we wandered to Nebraska to spend a weekend on the farm with the in-laws before making our way back to KC. On Monday, Ethan and I had quite the little adventure as we went shopping for cheap pants at a children's consignment sale held in an abandoned casino. Yes, you read that right. It was definitely the most unique atmosphere for shopping for children's clothes that I've ever encountered. For the record, decorative stonework instead of tile is not a pleasant surface to drive a shopping cart over. If I never have to experience that sound sensation again, I'll be just fine. Add in a grocery shopping trip on Tuesday and you pretty much have the whole story of why life's been a little crazy lately. Luckily for Ethan and me, today marked one of those opportunities to embrace normalcy again.

You may be asking just what exactly does normalcy look like for Ethan and me on a Thursday. Easy, it's storytime at the library. Honestly, it was really nice to get back in our normal routine today. It had actually been a couple of weeks since we made it to storytime and Ethan definitely misses the routine when it doesn't happen.

After dropping Ellie off at school, Ethan and I headed towards the library. Upon our arrival, we parked and headed inside where we immediately began exploring the building, making sure to check for any holds that might have come in under our name. Once we realized there were no holds, we started browsing the stacks to see if there was anything that peaked our interest today. Ultimately we didn't bite at anything since we have plenty of books at home right now. Finally, it was time for storytime to begin.

Ethan and I wandered in and took our seat on the floor where we read a few books before waiting. Soon enough, the festivities began with bubbles aplenty. Ethan, for his part, absolutely loves popping bubbles and was arguably the most excited kid in the entire room. Once the bubbles were done, it was time to read a couple of stories and do a quick music activity involving rhythm sticks. After that, it was parachute time and then free play to wrap up our time at storytime.

I assumed Ethan would be ready to leave the library after this but that wasn't the case. Instead, he wanted to head to the coloring tables to color a picture. Once there, he carefully selected a picture of a jet airplane and began to carefully color it. He's always struggled a little bit with being careful about coloring in the lines. However, on this occasion, he would not be denied. He was bound and determined to do a perfect job and that's exactly what he did. He's even starting to hold his crayon in the appropriate manner, too!

After he completed his drawing, it was time for us to head home. At least, that was my original plan. Instead, once I noticed it was already noon, I asked Ethan if he was interested in getting lunch. He enthusiastically affirmed that he would love that and even went as far to suggest Panda Express. Therefore, the little man and I headed down the road to Panda where we split a plate of fried rice, Orange Chicken, and Mushroom Chicken. While it's true that we didn't really need to eat out on this occasion, I always enjoy how excited both Ethan and Ellie get for something special and out of the ordinary. It really just puts a smile on my face. How could it not?


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