Monday, February 6, 2023

Day 1,445 - Falling

My grace is unparalleled. I am as a gazelle, leaping, running, frolicking, as I go from place to place. Someday, my children will write poetry and long, epic tales of my athletic prowess. They could do that...OR  they could just tell the humiliating truth and not really focus on what I would rather they say and/or remember.

If you didn't realize it, then I'm sorry to have to be the one to break it to you this late in the day, but today was warm. Really warm. The day was so warm that it actually set a record for the high for this day in history. So, of course, it would have been silly to have just spent the entire day inside. Instead, Ethan and I just had to make certain we got out of the house and enjoyed the weather. In my opinion, there was no better way to do so than by going on a long walk.

Now, for a three-year-old (soon to be four-year-old), walks can be fun but there needs to be a purpose behind said walk. Sometimes it's something as simple as a trip to the park. Other times, it's wandering to the grocery store or a gas station for a snack. Today, we were on a quest to see Humpty Dumpty and procure a football-shaped whistle.

Now, I know the whistle part of the story is the thing that is probably TRIPPING people up. In honor of the upcoming Chiefs Super Bowl victory, one of Bethany's co-workers chose to dress their Humpty Dumpty statue up as Patrick Mahomes. Not only that but she also placed a large jar of football-shaped whistles next to it for kids to take and enjoy. Today, Bethany heard through the grape vine that the whistles were going fast. As a result, we definitely needed to head up there today if the kids wanted one. After Ethan finished his nap, that's exactly what we did.

Our walk started simply enough with us wandering out of our neighborhood and onto North Oak Trafficway. Once we hit North Oak, Ethan was emboldened by the width of the sidewalks and decided to do a little running. Seeing as how I didn't want him to get too far away, I decided to run alongside him. For the next half mile, we enjoyed little stints of running on and off again as we got closer and closer to our destination. Soon enough, we neared Humpty's house and decided to walk the rest of the way.

If only our walk had been uneventful and only marked by the sight of a large egg-shaped man sitting on a fence. Instead, the sidewalk decided that it was tired of being walked all over and chose to strike out. Rising up from its level position along the ground, the sidewalk waited for someone inattentive enough to trip up. Unfortunately, I happened to be the someone on this day.

As we walked along, I found myself striking the uneven sidewalk with my toes. Unfortunately, I was moving fast enough that I could not regain my balance after doing so. Instead, I careened onto the pavement in what seemed like slow motion. I finally hit the ground and landed hard. At that point, there was nothing left to do but pick myself up off the ground and admire the blood streaming forth from my skinned palms and my newly acquired skinned knee. Ethan, for his part, definitely had feelings about my misfortune declaring "Daddy, I'm sorry you fell down and cut your hands and bled all over." I'm sorry too, Ethan. I'm sorry too.


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