Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Day 1,338 - The One Where Ellie Goes to First Grade

Happy Fall Y'all!

Actually, I realize that it's not fall yet but it kind of feels like it could be. That probably has something to do with the fact that Ellie is now back in school. If I'm being honest, that makes me a little sad to know that my summer with my buddy is over. While I didn't cry like last year, I still struggled with leaving Ellie there just since I wasn't really ready for her to go back. That being said, I did receive a nice little surprise this year that I didn't get last year.

On the first day of school, students have the opportunity to have their parents accompany them into the building for their first day. When I first asked Ellie on Sunday night and again on Monday morning, she was "much too cool" to have her dad and brother escort her to her classroom. By the way, those are my words, not hers. Of course, as everyone knows, the words of a six-year-old are made to be broken. As we drove past the building and saw the legion of parents accompanying their kids into Fox Hill Elementary, Ellie began to have a little remorse about her decision to not have Ethan and me take her into the building. Finally, she spoke up and asked if we could take her in. So, that's exactly what we did.

As we made our way from our parking spot one block over, it was fun to watch Ellie skip down the sidewalk in pure excitement to be heading back to school. Of course, she was still dealing with a little trepidation over going back to school. That wasn't going to stop her from still having fun though! Finally, we made our way inside the building where Ellie told us that she was "going to lead the way to the classroom". She did exactly that and before we knew it, she was giving both her brother and me massive hugs before sending us on our way. On my last glance back, I was pleased to see her gleefully hugging long-lost friends and saying "Hi" to the new people she didn't yet know.

As Ethan and I made our way out of Fox Hill Elementary, there was only one thing left for us to do with our day: head to Chick-Fil-A for our yearly first day of school breakfast. This has actually been something that we have done consistently since Ellie started preschool. On her first day, we go to CFA and share a breakfast sandwich and then follow that up with a milk shake for dessert. Yes, I know that it's probably extremely unhealthy and unnecessary but it's tradition. Actually, I'm not sure how this tradition will work when Ethan starts kindergarten. I guess I'll just be that lonely guy sitting in Chick-Fil-A at 9:30 in the morning eating a breakfast sandwich and milk shake. Wow, that's just kind of sad to think about, right?

A sad little Ethan thinking about the chicken that awaits him.

The good thing though is that we don't have to sit around and ruminate on missing Ellie. I mean, don't get me wrong; we both miss her. However, between house projects and enjoying the warm, sunny days, we have so much to keep us busy that 4:00 comes before we know it. In fact, come to think of it, I've got some grocery shopping to do right now. That will certainly fill some time!


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