Monday, June 20, 2022

Day 1,300 - I'm (Temporarily) Back Down to One


Summer is a pretty fun time for a kid. I'm pretty sure there isn't an adult out there that doesn't remember the excitement they felt for summer vacation to start. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. As a stay-at-home dad, I was probably just as (or more) excited for summer break as Ellie was this year. You see, over the past five years, I had gotten used to having her around all of the time. Therefore, it was definitely a big change to only get Ellie time in the mornings and for a couple of hours in the evenings. As a result, I was bound and determined to make summer break count.

Thus far, I'd like to think that's exactly what I've done. For one thing, I'm trying to find some kind of new adventure for us to pursue each and every day. We've already been to Crown Center to take in the new Curious George exhibit. We've hit up a multitude of Kansas City parks on the 2022 edition of the tour of parks. There's been a zoo visit (Oooh, that reminds me; it's about time to go to the zoo again). We went to Dollar Tree and bought water guns for water gun fights. We've even road-tripped to Gallatin to go swimming in my aunt's pool. Despite all of these fun activities, Ellie has still found herself missing the structure of school on a few occasions. As a result, we decided the thing to do was to send her to Vacation Bible School this week.

Now, I won't lie and say that Ellie heading to VBS isn't a nice little break for me as well. Despite my love for my daughter, there are those occasional times when she gets on my nerves. An example being this morning when she wouldn't stop talking about bottoms and underwear while giggling profusely. Now, I know that's probably true to form for someone who's just graduated from Kindergarten but that doesn't make it any less obnoxious. Therefore, I was more than happy to bid her adieu for three hours this morning as we dropped her off at Fellowship KC for VBS.

While Ellie enjoyed making some new friends, Ethan and I decided to engage in some much needed bro-down time. Since Ellie would only be at VBS for three hours, we decided not to head home. Instead, I thought it prudent to remain in the Parkville area near where Fellowship KC is located. We started off our morning by heading to the library. There, Ethan took enjoyment in using the kid computers and playing with some toys before it was time to leave. Funny story, while he was playing with the kid computers, he happened to have on a pair of headphones. For some reason, he didn't realize that although outside sound was muffled for him, it wasn't for everyone else. Therefore, he decided to overcompensate by yelling when he had something to tell me. You may not know this but yelling in a library goes against the number one rule of a library. At least I'm 99% certain that's the case. We didn't get kicked out or anything so I cannot confirm.

After we finished up at the library, we took a short sojourn to a bike shop to see what it would cost to repair the handbrakes on Ellie's (new-to-us) bike. Spoiler alert, it was definitely more than the cost of the bike so we will be going back to the drawing board on that. After the bike shop, Ethan and I meandered down the road to English Landing Park and downtown Parkville where we spent the next hour exploring all that we could find to explore. 

Finally, the time came for us to head back to Fellowship KC to pick up Ellie who was more than excited to share everything she could from her morning of VBS with us. Even though Ellie is fairly sociable, I was slightly curious how she would feel about going to VBS at a church she's never been to. Never fear as she was stoked from her morning and can't wait to go back tomorrow. I love it!


P.S. If you're interested in video footage of Ellie dancing while having her mouth stuffed full of pretzel and chocolate, click here!

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