Thursday, March 10, 2022

Day 1,238 - I'm (Kind Of) a "Virtual" Teacher

Well, it's snowing. It's March 10th and it's snowing again. Honestly, I kind of thought that the snow might be done for the year after Monday. Alas, all it takes is a glance out the window to know that I was mistaken. It's not a huge deal though. I just now have the job title of "Teacher" in addition to being a stay-at-home parent. Actually, I'm really not a teacher but I'm definitely experiencing a little bit of what it must be like since Ellie is learning virtually today.

Despite my sarcastic tone, I'm actually quite intrigued by the virtual learning aspect of this week. I say week because we experienced virtual learning on Monday, today, and will likely do so tomorrow. It's really not that bad though. "School" begins for Ellie at 9:00 am any day that virtual learning is required. In case you're wondering, that's the exact same time that her school normally starts.

The first order of business is to hop on a Zoom call with her class so that the teacher can conduct a short lesson for the kids before giving them some assignments for the next hour. There are additional calls at 10:00 and 11:00 before traditional learning time ends at noon. While I don't really have to be around for these calls, I kind of enjoy sitting off camera for two reasons. Number one, it allows me to be familiar with the lesson plan so I can help Ellie with her assignments if need be. Second, I love getting to see her classmates and put a face to the name. For example, on Monday, I got to see one boy from Ellie's class eat a banana extremely slowly. I also got to see a girl stroke her cat much as a Bond villain would so...that'


Ellie's lessons revolve around reading, writing, and math with her having an assignment of some kind to complete after the lesson. After the assignment is done, Ellie's teacher then instructed her students to play various games on their iPad until their next Zoom call. While I had Ellie follow the teacher's instructions to the letter on Monday, I thought those instructions resulted in way too much iPad time for my liking. Therefore, I switched things up a little today. Outside of math time, I had Ellie engage in reading from books with her extra time instead of playing learning games on the iPad. 

Ellie was also assigned a self-portrait for art class. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.

I have to say that I've noticed a huge improvement in her behavior as the day has gone on. On Monday afternoon, Ellie was pretty much insane from all of the iPad time. Today, she's her normal sweet self and is significantly more sane. In fact, she's already asking to play a game of Monopoly Junior with me in lieu of spending time on her iPad. I'm mostly OK with that except for the fact that the girl is nigh unbeatable at Monopoly Junior. In fact, I have yet to beat her in all of the rounds we play. Maybe that's a sign that I should pick a different princess. Wait, did I mention that it's the Disney Princess edition of Monopoly Junior? That seems pertinent. 

BTW, in case you're wondering, I pick Mulan each time we play. Maybe this is a mean thing to say but due to her battle-hardened experiences in the Chinese Army, I figure she's the most manly of all the Disney Princesses. Actually, that may have been slightly mean.


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