Monday, February 14, 2022

Day 1,220 - Happy Birthday, Ethan!

I constantly find myself amazed at the passage of time. February marks "Birthday season" in House Holt with Bethany (2-13), Ethan (2-12), and myself (2-1) all having birthdays in a two-week span. While I personally don't find myself feeling any older, the rapid growth of Ethan is very evident especially when one compares a picture from his second birthday to one from his third birthday. Of course, a birthday isn't just for obsessively thinking about what's changed. It's also for celebrating and having fun and that's exactly what we did for Ethan's birthday!

Since Ethan was undeniably aware of his birthday this year, Bethany and I really wanted to make it special for the little man. His day started around 6:30 with a fairly typical breakfast of Honey Bunches of Oats. However, as soon as he was done with breakfast, the fun began as he was allowed to open his birthday gift from us.

For the past couple of years, Ethan has had a gray Royals hat that has been a consistent part of his wardrobe. However, the day finally came for him to outgrow it this year. That didn't stop him from still attempting to wear said hat but it did cause him to look absolutely ludicrous in doing so. Therefore, we decided that the time had come to buy him a new Royals hat. For the record, I found it incredibly difficult to decide on the perfect hat for Ethan since I knew it would be worn so frequently. We ultimately decided on another gray cap with the "KC" logo in blue underneath a golden crown logo. Ethan loved it and immediately put it on his head where it would remain for most of the day to come.

Of course, a little boy deserves more than a new cap for his special day. He also deserves his favorite meal of fried rice with an ice cream sundae bar for dessert. Yes, I know that cake is the traditional birthday dessert of choice. However, Ethan really, really, really likes ice cream so we went that route instead. It also helped that we got to partake in some awesome Spider-Man-themed cupcakes the day before while celebrating with my parents and grandma.

Ethan enjoying some ice cream with Papa Fred!

After lunch, it was time for Ethan to take a short nap before the main event of his birthday, a trip to the circus! Neither Bethany or myself had actually been to a circus since we were kids. In fact, we weren't even 100% certain that there still were circuses. Enter the Carden Circus. I first heard about the Carden Circus via a coupon giveaway on our local Buy Nothing page. Once we realized that the circus would actually take place on Ethan's birthday, we knew that we definitely wanted to attend!

In case you're wondering, the Carden Circus is actually a legitimate three-ring circus of old. There were animal acts including horses, camels, dogs, cats, and elephants (and inexplicable men in bear costumes). There were also danger acts including tightrope walkers, aerialist displays, a human cannonball, and motorcycle acts. While it took Ethan a bit to settle down due to the excitement he was feeling, once he did so, he was absolutely engrossed in everything there was to see. In fact, two days later, he's still talking about the motorcycles and "dancing girls". For the record, "dancing girls" is referring to the aerialists; I know how that sounds.


Even though Ethan is growing up super fast, I love the fact that our family is continuing to build memories together that will hopefully last for years to come. In fact, Ethan's personality has really flourished over the past year between his affinity for all things Kansas City Chiefs to his continued love for cows and farming and his undeniable friendship with Ellie. I'm excited to see what the next year will bring when the time comes to snap another picture in the big brown chair in a little under 12 months from now.

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