Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Day 1,199 - The One With All the Goodbyes

Hey there, it's been a bit since we last corresponded. I'm sure you'll forgive me though as it's been a pretty busy season for us. Between three different family Christmas celebrations, three or four trips to look at Christmas lights, finally getting to see Spider-Man: No Way Home, and fighting off a possible case of Covid, it's actually been a really busy month. No worries though as it's all in the rearview mirror now. 

Actually, on second thought, there were a couple more moments in December and January that were definitely firsts for our kids. Unfortunately they were not good firsts. Instead, they were pretty sad firsts for Bethany and I to witness. For the first (and second) time that I can remember, Ellie and Ethan had to say goodbye to friends for the final time as they moved away.

For myself, I personally still remember when my best friend moved away. It was actually really heartwrenching for me. I bought him a Chiefs hat as a going away present and everything. Even though we were only 30 minutes apart from each other, it didn't take long for us to drift apart. We reconnected briefly in college but it really didn't last. Therefore, I definitely identified with what Ellie especially has gone through with saying goodbye to friends over the past month.

It started in December as we bid farewell to our friends, the Blackwells. After knowing them for at least four years and being in their bible study for three, it was definitely hard to say goodbye. Fortunately, Bethany and I had mentally prepared ourselves for such a thing for a while. Therefore, even though we were undoubtedly sad, we had definitely shielded ourselves from some of the hurt. The second one really stung though as we had to say goodbye to our friends, the Lindholts.

Now, Bethany and I have actually known the Lindholts for the better part of a decade. We both arrived at Northland around the same time and became fast friends. During that time, we've both had multiple kids that happened to be around the same age so it was only fitting that they would become close friends. Ellie and Lydia have been especially close during the last several years. In fact, they've arguably been each other's best friend during that time. The same rings true for Ethan and Miles as they've grown up playing together in the nursery at church.

Not sure why Ellie is half-asleep in this photo.

The formal goodbye party for the Lindholts on Sunday actually was where the real pain came from. Bethany and I watched on as Ellie and Lydia spent the entire evening playing together until the time finally came for us to leave. When we told Ellie it was time to say goodbye, she and Lydia grabbed each other in a tight embrace and didn't let go for quite some time. Just to add to the cuteness/hurt factor, Ethan and Miles did the exact same thing. When the time finally came to leave, Lydia gave Ellie a glow stick to remember her by. Even if it will undoubtedly stop glowing within the week, the gesture was incredibly sweet.

While Bethany and I were definitely saddened to say goodbye to our friends, seeing the way it affected our kids made it even harder. Lucky for us, there's things like Facetime and Marco Polo to allow our kids to stay in touch with their friends for as long as they would like to. In fact, to tell the truth, the kids will likely be better at staying in touch that the adults. After all, it seems like that's the way things go except in rare situations.


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