Monday, December 6, 2021

Day 1,180 - You're the best! No, you're the best!

Disagreements are nothing out of the ordinary when it comes to family. It can be over something as big as money or something as small as what to watch on television that night. For the record, old episodes of 'Home Improvement' on those TV stations that show really, really old programs is always the answer. Ethan and I are currently in the midst of one of those big disagreements that probably won't be resolved anytime soon. This disagreement is over trying to figure out just who is the best!

If you're asking Ethan, apparently I am the best! Believe it or not, I actually recorded his exact words in a Marco Polo message to Bethany immediately after he said it so that my wife would forever know that her son feels like I am the best! The reason for him thinking this was pretty simple and cute though. During one of the seemingly dozens of potty breaks we take each day, I was helping Ethan pull up his pants when he suddenly began patting me on the head. When I asked him why he was patting me, his answer was simple. Ethan's reply was "Because you're the best!". Hard to argue with that kind of logic, right?

As for why I find myself thinking Ethan is best, the answer is both more complicated and simple at the same time. I think he's the best due to his childlike wonder and exuberance for all things Christmas right now.

We've been slowly decorating for Christmas since last Monday when we put up the Christmas tree. From the moment we put the first branches on, Ethan has been mesmerized by it. In fact, he's already drained the battery on one of our musical Christmas ornaments by pushing the button so many times. I can't I blame him though since it is pretty awesome! He's even figured out how to change the LED lights on our tree to whatever makes him happy in that moment. He also has discovered where we keep the remote control for our outdoor lights which means we have to check on them multiple times a day to ensure that Ethan hasn't left them on.

Today marked another opportunity for Ethan to put his childlike sense of wonder to use as I finally got around to decorating our family room for Christmas. It started out simple enough as I cleaned some room on our fireplace mantel for some garland wrapped in Christmas lights. When I plugged them in, Ethan was definitely excited to see the lights shining for all to see. However, it's the next decoration that got him really excited.

When I was young, I received a two-foot-tall animatronic Mickey Mouse one year for Christmas from my parents. This isn't just any old Mickey though. He's actually wearing a full Santa suit and holding an enormous candy cane. It goes without saying that since then, Mickey has been an integral part of the Christmas decorations in every place I've lived. When the time came for me to take him down from the shelf in our basement today, Ethan was downstairs riding a tricycle around the basement. However, the second he saw me pull Mickey out of the box, all activity stopped. Instead, Ethan screamed "Mickey" at the top of his lungs and ran over to see his new pal. 

Now, it's true that our decorating is slowing down and Ethan is adjusting to the sudden onslaught of all things Christmas in our home. However, it doesn't feel like that has lessened the joy he receives from seeing Christmas lights, decorations, or packages under the tree. That very joy is, in my opinion, what makes Ethan the best. Couldn't we all use some child-like enthusiasm in our hearts this Christmas season?

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