Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Day 1,160 - The One Where I Finally Write About Halloween

Happy Halloween!!!

Actually, I know that those well wishes are about three days too late. However, since Bethany used two days of vacation time to start the week, today is actually the first opportunity I have had to wish people a Happy Halloween.

Our Halloween celebration was actually spread out over a couple of days. Ellie got to start the celebration off by getting to go to school in her costume on Friday. What was her costume you may ask? She was Minnie Mouse! The funny thing is that this actually marked the second time she has dressed up as Minnie Mouse. She did so when she was 2 years old and spent Halloween night placing candy bars in trick-or-treaters' baskets while wearing a pair of homemade mouse ears made out of a headband and some old t-shirts. For the record, it was only t-shirts. Nothing else. I definitely wouldn't use a ratty old pair of underwear for something like that.

Truth be told, it was actually really strange to see Ellie reprising her Minnie Mouse costume this year. For one, the two pictures side-by-side really serve to show how much she has grown in the last three years. She certainly looks more like a young woman than a little girl which is crazy because she's still only five years old!

Back to Halloween though. After a fun day at school where Ellie got to go a bunch of Halloween-themed activities which included pumpkin carving, slime-making, and of course, snack-eating, on Friday night, we would return to school for trunk-or-treating. What was great about trunk-or-treating is that Ethan got to join in the fun as well. Who was Ethan on this (early) All Hallows Eve? Easy, he was Buzz Lightyear of Star Command! 

Surprisingly enough, even though we got to school less than 15 minutes after trunk-or-treating began, we still had to wait close to 20 minutes to even get to the first car. Once inside though, Ellie and I happily made our way from car to car on a relatively brisk evening. I say Ellie and I because Ethan gave out after approximately 10 minutes of actually trunk-or-treating. No worries though. The only negative part of the evening was that both kids were slightly afraid of the extremely creepy clowns in line directly behind us. No one attacked though so it was just fine.

Fast forward to Sunday and the actual day of Halloween. After a fun afternoon at home, Ellie and Ethan got dressed in their costumes around 6:00 pm and we hit the neighborhood for some quick trick-or-treating before passing out candy for the rest of the evening. While trick-or-treating with the kids was definitely fun, it ultimately didn't take long before Ellie and Ethan were both complaining of being cold and were ready to go home. Once we got home, Ellie was excited and ready to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. Unfortunately, we didn't have a single person show up before the kids went to bed for the night.

On the flip side though, we now have more than enough candy to last us until next Halloween. At least I assume it'll last that long. Who actually knows? #DaddyWrite

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