Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Day 924 - Ethan Goes Shopping!

It's been a little bit since I've blogged. There wasn't a ton of stuff that was missed though. If I remember correctly, there was a trip to my parents' house, a men's retreat, something I thought was a concussion that wasn't really a concussion, a trip to Bethany's parents in Nebraska, and a Presidential election. I'm guessing that no one really wants to talk about that last thing regardless of your rooting interests though. Therefore, I'm instead going to tell the exploits of Ethan's and my shopping trip today.

First of all, a simple thing like grocery shopping really shouldn't be that difficult. However, when the two people going are Ethan and myself, life finds a way. Side note, did you like that little 'Jurassic Park' quote? I know I did. Anyway, as soon as we dropped Ellie off at preschool this morning, it was off to Aldi for a little grocery shopping. Actually, scratch that. First, we had to return home to grab the shopping list that I had forgotten in our rush to get out the door. **sigh**


On our way to Aldi, I decided to take a little detour and run into The Home Depot. Our mission was relatively simple. We needed 10 more leaf bags so that we could continue raking and bagging the overwhelming amount of leaves that have fallen in our backyard. After rousing Ethan from his car seat nap, we headed inside to fulfill our quest.

This was actually a "new" experience for Ethan as we can actually count the number of times that he has been in a store since quarantine on one hand. In case you're wondering, that was a mid-summer trip to Sam's Club to buy some frozen chicken.

As you can expect, today's trip to The Home Depot did bring about some feelings of trepidation in Ethan. First of all, on our walk through the store, Ethan refused to let go of my hand for even a brief second. Even when we reached the checkout, Ethan refused to wave or acknowledge our fellow shoppers when they spoke to him. That being said, there was something special about aimlessly wandering the aisles of The Home Depot desperately trying to find leaf bag all while holding my son's tiny hand. It was actually a really sweet experience.

After finishing up at The Home Depot, it was time to head to Aldi. For his part though, Ethan didn't find this experience to be nearly as intimidating. It was probably due in part to his comfortable perch riding in the front of the shopping cart. As we headed through the store, Ethan definitely did his part as my co-shopper to ensure our success. For one thing, he held our shopping list like a champ, handing it to me whenever I requested. He also carried on a pretty stellar "conversation" with me as we discussed each of our groceries as I placed them in my cart. 

All in all, I'd call the morning that Ethan and I shared together a success. Compared to when Ellie was his age, Ethan really has missed out on a lot of those shared experiences that Ellie and I had together. While grocery shopping is a pretty minute thing, I'm glad that he seemed to enjoy himself. I find myself looking forward to more shopping trips with my little guy in the future if for no other reason than I look less crazy talking to him than I would talking to myself. #DaddyWrite

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