Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Day 798 - The (Legitimately) Deep Questions

It seems to me that life with two under four years of age can often be a roller coaster. You never really know what one day to the next is going to look like. Sure, there are always those constants that will be there. However, for the most part, things can and do often change from day-to-day.

Part of the roller coaster is that I never really know what's going to be coming out of Ellie's mouth at any given time. Like any three-year-old, she has lots of questions. It can be something as simple as wondering if she can have a glass of milk or if she can wear a dress today. It can also be as complicated as wanting to know why the sky is blue or why the moon is constantly changing in size and shape. Those questions are just the tip of the iceberg though.  

It's probably a direct result of the Easter season but Ellie has been asking us a lot of extremely deep questions lately. For example, on one afternoon last week, she wanted to know "Why can't we be with God without Jesus dying?". Pretty deep question for a three-year-old but I was able to satisfy her curiosity by explaining that God is perfect and that the only way to be with him is by being perfect. From there, I went on to explain that since we aren't perfect, we needed someone to be perfect for us. Therefore, Jesus who was perfect took the brunt of our sins on the cross so that we could be with God forever as long as we truly believe that Jesus was perfect.

OF course, that's not the only hard question. Ellie has also asked Bethany things like "If Jesus raised people from the dead in my Bible, how come people are dying from the virus?" and "Jesus's arms weren't that big so how did he move the stone?". Obviously, the first one was a little trickier than the second for Bethany to answer. In the case of the first question, Bethany responded with "God could heal them if he wanted but sometimes he chooses not to so that he can use the situation. Maybe he wants us all to learn something from this." The second was quickly answered by "Remember the song "He has the whole world in his hands? God is big enough to hold the whole world." 

It's fascinating to see how her tiny mind is constantly churning and processing information right now. There's been some other questions that we can't exactly remember. However, they were along the lines of Ellie wondering why some people have hard hearts and end up not believing. Super hard questions from a three-year-old, right?

Honestly, we are just overjoyed that at the tender age of three, Ellie already has an interest in working through these kind of spiritual quandaries. Through it all, we're constantly encouraging her to not be afraid to ask us anything and reminding her that if we can't provide the answer, then we will find someone who will. We just find ourselves wondering each day what Ellie's big question of the day will end up being and hoping we'll be prepared to answer it. 


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