Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Day 760 - A Case Study For/Against Anger

I feel like it would be an interesting case study for people to share the time they were angriest at their children. What did those kids do to make their parents angry? How did the parents respond to said anger? Was it in a positive or negative manner? Also, do the parents and/or child learn anything from the situation? It's that last question that I'm especially interested in today.

It goes without saying that Mondays are always difficult. Ellie and Ethan have both gotten used to Bethany being around for the weekend and don't really enjoy having just me around after two fun-filled days with their mommy. It just so happened that today ended up being a bit more difficult than the typical Monday. The main reason for that being that everyone (not just Ethan) was more than a little tired. 

Ellie was tired because she got the pleasure of staying up later than normal last night. Since we knew in advance the college life group we lead would have smaller attendance than normal, we decided to give the kids a night off meaning I would go solo. Bethany, taking an idea from me, decided the time was perfect to do something really fun for Ellie. The two of them huddled under a blanket on the couch and whiled away the evening watch 'Ratatouille' together. The lone problem was that Ellie was definitely exhausted by the time it ended.

"I'm sorry."

As for me, my tiredness was due to a bunch of weird spasms that I began suffering overnight. After waking up over the 2:00 hour, I became completely unable to get comfortable as my chest and upper back was continually spasming. By the time I finally was able to go back to sleep around 4:30, I had already spent thirty-plus minutes in a bathtub of piping hot water followed by an hour of using a heating pad on my aching muscles. Of course, morning came way too soon for my liking after the night I had.

For the first several hours of the day, things went largely according to plan. In other words, Ellie began flipping out not long after Bethany left for work. It really didn't matter what I did or said, she was going to be unhappy. Therefore, when the time came for Ethan to take his morning nap, I decided that Ellie needed to follow suit. Fortunately for me, she really didn't require much convincing which left me with the opportunity to take a short nap of my own.

Fast forward to after lunch and Ellie deciding that it was time for her to go poop. Since Ethan and I were playing in our living room, I just told her to let me know when she was done so I could help/monitor clean-up. Ethan, to his credit, decided that Ellie needed help right away rather than waiting for her to finish. With that, the little man took off up the stairs and opened the bathroom door to peer in at Ellie. 

Ellie, as one might expect, didn't appreciate the intrusion. With me still downstairs, she leaped off the toilet, bounded across the room and proceeded to slam the door. Unfortunately for all parties involved, Ethan wasn't completely clear of the door. Two of his fingers had ended  up slammed in between the door and the frame. Almost immediately, the tears began welling up in Ethan's eyes and the screams rang out as his hand both swelled and bled. I bounded up the stairs and picked up my little man, holding him tightly as I tried to calm him.

Unfortunately for Ellie, Ethan wasn't the only one that needed calming. My anger burned bright and deep within. You see, Ellie has actually slammed Ethan's hand in a door on a previous occasion. Foolishly, I believed Ethan getting his hand stuck in a door would be a one-time thing. It was not to be though. As soon as Ethan was calmed, I turned my attention to Ellie and began berating her for her foolish decision. In fact, I was so harsh with her that she burst into tears. As she cried, I let her know that she would be receiving a spanking for hurting her brother and it would come as soon as she calmed down. 

Poor little hand.

Sure enough, once the crying ceased, the spanking came. I honestly feel bad as I made the mistake of spanking her while still angry resulting in the punishment hurting more than I had planned. Ellie's immediate response was to begin crying all over again while sprinting to the sanctity of her room. As I heard her screaming on the other side of the door, I knew I had done wrong.

Once I finally worked up the courage to open her bedroom door, I walked in and sat down in Ellie's rocking chair, motioning for her to join me. She wandered over and hopped up on my lap, burying her face in my chest. As we sat there rocking, I proceeded to apologize to her for not only the way I spoke to her but also for spanking her in anger. Lucky for me, my daughter is the forgiving type and immediately wrapped me in a big hug as she continued to snuggle away. 

Honestly, I feel like a good 45% of parenting is me apologizing to my daughter for the way I handled a situation followed by me promising I will try and learn from it. The irony being that generally I want Ellie to learn from the way she handled the situation that got her into trouble in the first place. Time will tell which one of us learns first. If I was a betting man, I'd put money on Ellie figuring it out long before me though. #DaddyWrite 

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