Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Day 716 - Ellie the "Intern"

When I was growing up, I was the type of kid who never had any clue what I wanted to be when I grew up. There was that brief window when I wanted to be a Ninja Turtle. However, once I realized that I was not a reptile, I realized that dream was an impossibility. Since that fateful day, I haven't come any closer to figuring out what I want to do with my life. Pretty sad, right?

The moment I saw Oprah staring at a Ninja Turtle with absolute confusion, I knew I must use this gif.

Lucky for Ellie, that's not a struggle she has had to deal with. In fact, her dreams for her life seemingly change weekly. One week, she'll desire to be an astronaut. On another, she'll want to be a farmer. However, my daughter does have one dream that is consistently there and never fades. She aspires to become the world's greatest check-out lady. Fortunately for Ellie, she recently got a little practice to help her achieve her goal.

As most people realize, we are in the midst of Christmas shopping season. The quest for the perfect gift envelopes us all. Sometimes though, the perfect gift doesn't require spending an arm and a leg (especially if it borders on being a gag gift). All it might take is a little trip to the local Harbor Freight Tools. 

I realize many might not be familiar with Harbor Freight Tools. Basically, it's a place to buy really cheap tools. For the record, they are both cheap in cost and quality which makes it perfect for a gag gift. I don't want to say much more about said "gift" because no one wants their Christmas to be spoiled.

As the product I was interested in was currently on sale, it was very important that I complete the transaction before the sale ended. While I realize I could have just purchased online, my reasons for not doing so were twofold. Number one, I really didn't want to pay more for shipping than the cost of the product. Number two, our local Harbor Freight is but two or three miles away. Therefore, I loaded up Ellie and Ethan and set out on a short car ride.

Upon arriving at Harbor Freight, the three of us headed inside the store with Ellie and I co-pushing Ethan in an incredibly tiny shopping cart. Seriously, my poor little man's hips were nearly touching the side of the cart. We serpentined down aisle after aisle before finally discovering our prize in the last aisle remaining. With ecstatic victory, we headed to the check-out counter to pay for our purchase.

I've become aware that part of shopping with two incredibly cute children is that it's pretty easy to find myself engaging in conversation with random people. In this instance, the random person was our check-out lady. For the record, I didn't get her name so we'll call her "Betty". 

As "Betty" and I made small talk over my silly purchase, she then turned her attention to the set of blue eyes and blond hair sticking up over the counter. "Betty" then explained to Ellie how the checkout system worked and actually asked Ellie if she would like to scan our purchase. She didn't have to ask Ellie twice as she quickly ran around the counter and stood next to "Betty" waiting for whatever was next. "Betty" gently handed the scanner to Ellie and showed her the proper button to press. Then, she held our purchase under the laser while Ellie scanned the bar code. With the accompanying "beep", our purchase was made and it was time to pay and leave. 

As I wheeled away from the counter, "Betty" called out to Ellie one final time saying, "Thanks for helping me check out today, Ellie! You were a big help." Ellie's response was non-verbal in nature but the massive smile covering her face said all that needed to be said on this day. My little girl had just completed her very first "internship." #DaddyWrite

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