Thursday, November 7, 2019

Day 704 - The Art of Choosing the Perfect 'Hot Wheels'

What kind of gas mileage do you think a '64 Chevy Nova Wagon gets? This is one of those questions that I would forgive people for not knowing the answer to. The good thing is that I know the answer (thanks to Google). It's a robust 16.1 miles per gallon. At least that's the case if one is referring to the real deal. If it's a 1/64 scale toy car being pushed around the room by a three-year-old, that changes things quite a bit. 


Just in case it's not clear where I'm going with this, as of today, Ellie is the proud owner of a 1/64 scale replica of a 1964 Chevy Nova Wagon. I realize this may be a bit unusual of a toy for a little girl to play with so I'll explain a little further.

Back in September when we were on our trek to Illinois to see Uncle Ryan, we stopped off in Hannibal for a bite to eat at McDonald's. There, Ellie was lucky enough to get to choose her Happy Meal toy all by herself. She could have gone with a Barbie toy or a Hot Wheels car. It didn't take much convincing by me for her to go with the Hot Wheels. I honestly couldn't have been more proud.
Of course, it wasn't quite perfect. Rather than being constructed of metal with painted-on graphics, it was plastic with stickers. For the record, it didn't take Ellie long at all to begin systematically
removing the stickers. What was evident though, was just how much fun Ellie had playing with that small, red F1-style car. In fact, it was enough fun that I stored away the idea of letting her pick out a much nicer Hot Wheels car all on her very own. Lucky for Ellie, today marked that day.

This morning, Ellie, Ethan, and I decided to make a quick Walmart run this morning in order to pick up some prints of our family pictures and a gallon of milk. Since we hadn't really been out of the house much this week, I chose to take the opportunity to make at least a couple of rounds throughout the store. Obviously, it goes without saying that part of those rounds included perusing the toy aisles.
Ellie, for her part, was absolutely ecstatic to be looking at toys. Each aisle we went down resulted in more and more things that struck her fancy. As we walked by a large Hot Wheels display, I had a flashback to my idea. In fact, once I saw the list price of $.94, I knew the time had come. As soon as I asked Ellie if she wanted to pick one out for herself, she jumped at the opportunity. Little did I know just how difficult that task could be for a three-year-old.

Once of the first ones to catch her eye was a purple Indy-style race car. Normally, I wouldn't have an issue with that choice. However, the enormous chrome skull on the front of it made me think we could do a little better. Next, she latched onto a white Ford Mustang with orange racing stripes. As a racing enthusiast, I personally adored that option. However, Ellie wasn't quite ready to make her final decision.

She dug into the bin one more time to find exactly what she was looking for, the aforementioned '64 Chevy Nova Wagon. However, this wasn't just any old Hot Wheels model though. This model sported possibly the most unique paint job in the history of toy cars. The base model is hot rod red with yellow-tinted windows. From there, I want to point out the yellow front wheels AND the blue rear wheels. Of course, I would be remiss if I did not mention the tie-dye graphics covering the roof and sides of the vehicle. There's one more thing. The massive 'E' adorning the roof of the wagon.

I honestly wish I had taken a picture of the sheer joy erupting across my daughter's face upon finding her prize. However, the memory will just have to do. As soon as we reached the car, Ellie had me tear open the packaging so that she could play with it all the way home. The playing didn't cease when we got home as the Nova actually was at the dinner table for lunch time. Imagine if you will, Ellie eating a PBJ with one hand while pushing her new car back and forth across the dinner table. It was quite a sight if I do say so myself.

This brings me back to my original point. Yes, a real Chevy Nova Wagon isn't going to get the greatest gas mileage. However, in seeing the miles Ellie has already put on that little car this afternoon, I can tell the "gas gauge" isn't going to hit empty any time soon. #DaddyWrite

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