Monday, November 19, 2018

Day 544 - Three Stories About Words

Hello again, #DaddyWrite Nation. That's right, I just called my miniscule reader base a 'Nation'. It's all in fun though. I must admit that it's been a while since I last wrote. If you need proof, look no further than the fact that my last post was about Election day. 

That being said, it's not necessarily that I didn't want to write. It's more that I sometimes feel that it's becoming more and more difficult to find new and interesting stories to tell from my days with Ellie. Never fear though as I do have what I consider to be an interesting story on tap for today. Well, not so much a story as a cavalcade of stories, tied together by very loose threads.

Ok, then.

The common thread tying each of these stories together revolves around Ellie's propensity for spoken word. If you haven't been around Ellie anytime recently, you would likely be shocked by the never-ending stream of words pouring out of her mouth at all times. I don't know if it's her liking the sound of her own voice or just a fascination with the English language. However, she just loves to talk.

For an example, look no further than this morning. Ellie and I had just finished up doing some dishes together (meaning I had done the dishes and Ellie had just gotten things wet) and moved into the living room for some relaxation time. While I was laying on the couch catching up on news for the day, Ellie decided to engage in some light reading. Rather than ask me to help her though, she decided to instead audibly read books to herself. 

For some reason my video of Ellie reading refuses to load. Bummer.

Pretty cute if I do say so myself. In all honesty, I was super impressed by Ellie's ability to memorize her library books in a relatively short period of time. However, that's not the only thing Ellie has been known to memorize. She also tends to commit every single moment of her day to memory.

Since I quit working, it's been a tradition for Bethany to call each night on her way home from work so that we can share stories from our days with each other. As Ellie's gotten a little older though, she's developed a desire to share in the stories from the day. 

As soon as I pick up the phone and exchange pleasantries with my wife, Ellie will yell, "Mommy, I want to tell you about my day!" Those words are followed by Ellie explaining every aspect of her day in painstaking detail. In case you're wondering, today's highlight for Ellie was me taking a shower after coming in from mulching leaves, during which she sat on her bed and played with hair bows. 

Of course, an important part of every child's day is to think about the things he/she is thankful for. For Ellie, that is accomplished through prayer. Each night, after Bethany wishes Ellie good night, my daughter and I spend a little more time together in the rocking chair in her room. 

As we sit there rocking back and forth, Ellie and I will pray together. Normally, I will pray as Ellie prays along with me. Lately though, Ellie has gained more of a desire to pray on her own. As soon as I finish my prayer, Ellie will then fill the silence by saying a prayer of her own. As she's two, you can't expect a ton of depth. However, it's still really special to listen to as she thanks God for her mommy, her daddy, and her baby brother, among other things of importance to her.

My hope for Ellie is that as she continues to grow, she continues to show the same comfort and confidence in herself and her vocabulary as she does now. After all, I never want her to feel like the things she has to say don't have value. 

Although, if we're being truthful, Ellie is a toddler so some things she says will certainly lack value. That's just the way it is. #DaddyWrite

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