Sunday, June 17, 2018

Day 438 - Introduction to the Sandwich Arts and Canine Greetings 101

Who's ready for yet another #DaddyWrite confession time?  

Raise your hand if you've ever found yourself guilty of being a mooch.

Truth be told, every single reader should really be raising their hand. If you're not, then you're perfect, you're lying, or you're just not into raising hands just because some guy with a blog asks you to.

Speaking for myself, I know I'm a mooch. Look no further than the fact that it took me approximately three years of mooching Netflix off of Bethany's college roommate, Alison, before I finally broke down and paid for my own subscription. That's not the only instance though. I've also been guilty of mooching cable TV access via the internet off of both my parents and my brother-in-law from time-to-time (side note: World Cup coverage counts as time-to-time, right?). There's also a history of me using my sister-in-law's Amazon Prime account for the sake of free shipping. 

The nice thing about mooching is that it works in reverse too. For example, Bethany's brother has free reign to use our Netflix password whenever he wants. Also of note, especially as it pertains to this blog post, is that Bethany's and my Sam's Club membership is also fair game for being mooched. In fact, one of those Sam's Club mooching experiences led to what some may qualify as an embarrassing experience on the Sam's run Ellie and I went on today.

With my sister-in-law in charge of feeding dinner to approximately 70 kids during her church's art camp, she decided (rightfully so) that the easiest way to get the necessary supplies was via my Sam's membership. Well, not only my Sam's membership, but me as well. Therefore, with Friday actually being a wide-open afternoon for Ellie and I, we hopped in the RAV and headed to Sam's to procure the goods.

Now, I feel it important to remind you of my startling ineptitude for math. And yes, I am still aware of the fine irony in saying so considering I spent eight years in the financial industry. There is a difference though as in the financial industry, I had a little tool at my disposal called Excel. At Sam's, I found myself having to figure out exactly how many pieces of bread, slices of turkey and cheese, grapes, and bananas it would take to feed each child. 


What's that? Why yes, I did have to use my fingers multiple times to keep track of numbers in my head. I am proud to say though that I was able to leave my shoes on as I didn't need my toes in order to get an accurate count! Although, it goes without saying that there was more recounts going on than the state of Florida in 2000. And yes, I am aware of how much that reference dates me.

I should say Ellie was perfect most of the time while I was painstakingly doing elementary math. However, the keyword there is 'most'.  As we wandered through the store, we eventually stumbled across a sight that Ellie had never seen before: a service dog. 

Now I should specify that this was actually an emotional support animal. I don't know if that makes any kind of difference or not but I just want to be as accurate as possible for the sake of posterity. 

True to form, it didn't take Ellie long to begin yelling "Hi, doggie!" at the top of her tiny lungs in the direction of the support animal and her slightly embarrassed owner. As patrons all over Sam's Club began to turn their heads in our general direction, I saw the poor woman attempt to make herself as small as possible. Imagine a turtle retreating inside its shell at the first sight of a predator and you have a decent idea of what was happening. 

After about the fifth instance of Ellie yelling "Hi, doggie", our new friend and her canine companion began heading towards the exits as fast as their six legs could carry them (Hey, I just did more math!). Unfortunately for our friend, we were heading in that same direction meaning Ellie could continue her raucous calls of "Hi, doggie" for at least a few more aisles. 

Before you think me cruel, please understand that I was indeed finished with my shopping trip and was actually heading towards the check-out lines. In hindsight, I realize I should have distracted my daughter with something else interesting at that moment. After all, as everyone knows, bulk-sized containers of Tide Pods are always exciting (Just kidding). 

Don't worry though. Our problem soon resolved itself as our friends eventually took an alternative route to the exit through the clothing department whereas Ellie and I continued in a straight line towards the registers.

The moral of the story is simple.  *deep breath** Never go to Sam's Club without having a firm handle on how to solve simple sandwich-based equations or else your toddler daughter will relentlessly harass a human and their emotional support animal simply because said emotional support animal is a canine. **exhale** #DaddyWrite

Good life lesson, Daddy!

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