Monday, November 27, 2017

Day 299 - Keeping Healthy While Fidget Spinning

Nothing like the week of Thanksgiving to really keep a certain someone from keeping up with #DaddyWrite. Call it busyness. Call it ambivalence. Call it a lack of time management. All of those probably work just fine.

Now, there are plenty of things I could blog about that have occurred since I last blogged. I could write about Ellie's never-ending cold that she faced. Man, did it never end (until it did in fact end). Or I guess I could write about Ellie's fascination with two things you really wouldn't expect a baby to be utterly fascinated with: Emergen-C tablets and fidget spinners. 

In case you're wondering, I was using Emergen-C tablets at least once a day in an attempt to stay healthy whilst Ellie was sick. If you're unfamiliar with the concept, it's a tablet with 1000% of one's daily intake of vitamin C that dissolves in water much like an Alka-Seltzer tablet. Also, in case you care, the berry flavor is seemingly much tastier than the orange flavor (I don't know if that says much or not). 

How many Alka-Seltzer tablets in a bathtub would it take to achieve a Jacuzzi effect?

From the time I would drop the tablet in a glass of water until it dissolved around two minutes later, Ellie would be mesmerized by the process. As the bubbles began to erupt from the capsule, Ellie would inevitably cock her head to the side, studying the process. As the color began to change, Ellie's gaze would intensify. Finally, as the capsule began to dance across the cup as it broke into smithereens, she would audibly laugh each time another big chunk broke loose. At this point, I would begrudgingly consume my beverage with my daughter begging all the while to share with her (fruitlessly). 

Now, as for the fidget spinner, that's a different story. I will admit that I was pretty late to jump upon the trend. I instead preferred to shamelessly mock my friends who did while gazing longingly at the tiny object as it spun in their hands with the force of a small airplane turbine. Actually, that might be an overstatement, but you get the point. 

Basically, I picked one up for $3.00 at Target in an attempt to keep myself from spending so much time on my telephone in the evenings while Bethany and I hang out. It seems to be working well thus far if anyone is interested. Plus it has a picture of R2-D2 on it so there's that.

Is R2 or Darth Vader the official mascot of Star Wars? Anyone know?

While I knew I would enjoy it, I underestimated how much Ellie would enjoy it. I assumed she would enjoy watching it spin, but I really didn't figure it'd be something she would want to play with herself. I was wrong about that. At least once a day, I catch my daughter running around the house waving said fidget spinner in the air as if it's the greatest thing she's ever seen. That's not all that she does with it though.

Once she tires of running amuck with the spinner, Ellie will sit down and begin spinning the middle part, laughing as she watches it go around. What's odd is that you'd think she would tire of this activity relatively quickly. Wrong! I've actually seen her spend 15 minutes or more doing so. Given Ellie's strong love for the spinner, I'm glad I purchased one that is very child-safe with all of the parts well-contained and not visible. 

That being said, I don't really want her to play with the spinner unsupervised. Yes, I don't want her to accidentally hurt herself in some manner by playing with it.

Also, I'd be sort of sad if she lost or broke it because I'm lame/childish like that. #DaddyWrite

Somewhat random pic that has nothing to do with anything. I just felt like sharing.

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