Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Day 277 - Canine Aided Cuticle Maintenance

I try hard not to pride myself on too much when it comes to my parenting style. Number one, it's just not healthy. You begin to think you're invincible and can do no wrong. Not to mention, you get a big head. I personally like my head just the size it is. It fits my body type well and I can fit it through the doorways in our house with little to no issues. However, the key word in that first sentence is try. There are those occasional times in parenting where I do come up with an idea I'm so proud of that I find myself wanting, nay needing, to share it with the world.

It all started last night as Bethany and I prepared to cut Ellie's fingernails. Also, by Bethany and I, I mean simply Bethany. After I drew blood the first several times I tried to cut Ellie's nails, I've retired from doing so moving forward. Instead, I try to make myself useful in another very important fashion. That is, distracting the baby.

Don't take the importance of me distracting the baby lightly. As I've written before, trying to trim Ellie's nails can be somewhat akin to cutting a cat's claws. Both will growl/hiss at you while you're doing so. Both are also willing to reach out and draw blood via scratches if necessary. There is one primary difference between Ellie and a cat though. Ellie always refrains from sulking off and hiding underneath a couch when the deed is done. 

Normally I seek out a book of some kind to distract Ellie with on these occasions. Last night, however, I found myself feeling mildly adventurous and wanting to try something new. What was that you may ask? YouTube videos!

Question, anyone else actually realize YouTube recently changed their logo?

Now, as most will know, YouTube is a world in which one may find anything and everything. So, with great care, I set about finding the perfect video for Ellie to enjoy during her manicure. After beginning with the Glow in the Dark episode of Dude Perfect, I realized that Ellie may not have been the appropriate target audience. Not because of inappropriate content or anything like that. No, the problem was that it just didn't hold her attention very well. 

With that, I began contemplating and then came up with the perfect video given everything I know about my daughter. What's that video you may ask? Puppy Bowl highlights. For those who are unaware, the Puppy Bowl is aired on Animal Planet each year during halftime of the Super Bowl. Featuring puppies frolicking around a small "football field", the event serves to provide a "so cute I could die" alternative to the boring Super Bowl halftime shows.

From the time I flipped on the first video, Ellie was mesmerized by the puppies flashing to life across the iPad's screen. Continually pawing at the screen with her free hand, she also provided entertainment by performing her impression of a barking dog all the while. It wasn't all puppy bliss for Ellie though. The thing about a baby touching a iPad screen is that they generally don't know the ramifications of their actions. Something that became more clear to Ellie as she unintentionally closed out of the Puppy Bowl footage on more than one occasion to her great chagrin. 

As a whole, I would consider the great Puppy Bowl experiment of 2017 to be a rousing success. Not only did it give us a new battle strategy to use whilst grooming Ellie's nails, but it also allowed us to see some really cute puppies. 

You never know, maybe the Holt household just found a new Super Bowl halftime tradition. It's got to be better than the likes of Lady Gaga, Coldplay, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Beyonce, Madonna, The Black Eyed Peas, The Who, Bruce Springsteen, and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. 

But not Left Shark. We all love Left Shark...#DaddyWrite

That poor shark has no idea what's happening...

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