Thursday, May 11, 2017

Day 172 - The One Where the Baby's Beating Me

So I've found myself wondering something lately. Specifically, I'm wondering if there's a difference in how fathers relate to their daughter versus how they would relate to their sons. Now obviously, both genders are different. At least that's what my seventh grade science teacher taught me. And I'm relatively certain she wouldn't lie. My question is at what point do fathers begin to treat their daughters like daughters and their sons like sons. I'm asking because I'm beginning to wonder if I need to change how I interact and play with Ellie based upon how she responds in kind.

Too bad Ron Burgundy didn't teach me seventh grade science...

For example, my favorite way to play with Ellie is roughhousing. Make certain that you're not taking that the wrong way. I am NOT punching or kicking the baby so don't call child services. If you did, Bethany would be extremely unhappy. No, I'm more just treating her as one would a little boy. At least I'm guessing that's the case. I'm tossing her up in the air. I'm rolling her around on the floor when she's trying to crawl. I'm making her into a small package. I've even been known to tickle her until the laughs come. From the abundance of people I meet when out and about with Ellie, I get the impression that I'm instead supposed to treat her as a fragile china doll. Put her up on a tall shelf, dust her occasionally, but otherwise just sit and look at her.

Not all china dolls belong on a shelf. Some instead belong in a box buried in the corner of the basement. Meet Stephen.

Honestly, a part of me is curious on if I'm ruining my daughter with rough play. I say this because she's kind of turning into a bully. A daily experience for me is having Ellie crawl over to pull, grab hold of my shirt collar and pull herself to a stand. Then the punishment begins! First, she'll open up her little right hand and begin to slap my face. It's probably supposed to be more of an affectionate pat but it certainly doesn't feel like it; she's stronger than you think.

Once she loses interest in that, next on the list is to go for my nose. Her favorite nose pulling method actually reminds me of a bull with a ring in its nose being pulled by a rope. She will fishhook her index and middle fingers into my nostrils and tug with all of her might. I can't be certain, but I think she's actually poked my brain on more than one occasion when doing this. When we're past nose pulling, then she goes for the most tender area of my face; the eyes. I don't know if it's the natural squishiness or what but she just likes trying to blind me as much as possible. Joke's on her though as she'll have a daddy with deeply diminished vision to take care of in his old age someday.

Approximately the same amount of glee Ellie shows after each slap.

While I'm a glutton for punishment and don't really care if Ellie's attacking me, I worry slightly about people her own age. If she treats other babies in this manner then it's only a matter of time until she become Baby Enemy Number One. I figure I don't need to make a decision for a while on whether to change how I play with Ellie. She's only a baby right now and is still developing into who she's going to be. 

Now please excuse me while I ice my face, try to mold my nose back into the appropriate shape, and clean my safety glasses in anticipation of another day of child rearing. #DaddyWrite

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